Wednesday, November 25, 2009

3 months old

i apologize again for posting blogs without pictures and for not catching up yet. is lillian's 3 month birthday! she weighs 13 pounds, is getting good at grabbing things and pulling hair, laughing, holding herself up while on her tummy, and i think she might even be getting some teeth in! She is growing up WAY too fast!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


sorry i haven't posted in so computer hasn't been letting me :( but i promise to catch up soon.

i had orientation at the gap on tuesday. i missed lilli like wasn't fun! but working will be good for me, and it's only going to be like...10 hours a week. AND i get 50% off at the gap and banana republic, and 30% off at old it's pretty sweet. now cason just needs to find a job
and i can rest a little easier

Cason and i are finally healthy again and trying to get back into our normal routine. we're so happy that lilli didn't get sick too!