Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lilli's Little's

{We're starting something new here}

Lately Lilli thinks everything is "messy" or "yucky" ... I promise my house is pretty clean!

If she hears a loud noise or if something falls, she thinks it's broken.

She loves yogurt covered raisins. Some days all she wants is "ranins".

Grandma and Grandpa Dotson and Jesse came last weekend and she still asks for Jessie several times a day.

She runs into her room, says "bye-bye" and slams the door on me at least once every day

"Friend like me" from Aladdin is her favorite song. She's always pointing at the stereo saying "SONG!"

She LOVES water. Drinking it, playing in it, bathing in it. She's definitely not like her mommy.

She'll finally drink in a sitting / standing position. but not if it's milk. If it's milk she still has to be laying down.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sleepy Giggles

{She can sleep through just about anything}

Monday, July 4, 2011

Hello, my name is:

Lilli Dotson.


{notice how she never actually opens her mouth, & just lets the water run down her front. Maybe she was hot?}

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Good Morning!

This morning Lilli woke up asking for CASON! CASON! No idea why she's started calling her daddy by his first name...but it's kinda funny.

When we got downstairs, she pulled out our bambi blu-ray. "Do you want to watch bambi", i asked? "AMBI! AMBI! AMBI!" We also have Tangled in the same case, so I asked if she wanted to watch Tangled instead. "TANGLE!" she replied. We ended up going with Tangled...and she's loving it!