Friday, April 10, 2015

March 2015

On the 14th, Lilli went to another one of her classmates birthday parties. The little girl had a bounce house- Lilli had a ball!

A couple of days later, we finally met our new nephew, Rob. He looks a bit like Lilli did as a new born, & it made me super nostalgic & a little anxious to have another one someday.

That same day, Lilli ate a scorpion sucker.  Cason had told her about them a while back, so when we saw them at a place called Pirate O's, we had to get her one to surprise her with! When we gave it to her she , screamed, cried, and hid under the table. Apparently, it was because she thought it still had the stinger on it & didn't want to get hurt. She was game once she decided it was safe. I can't believe she ate the whole thing! She is definitely braver than I am!

At school, they set up a leprechaun trap for St. Patrick's Day. She was so excited that she set up a trap of her own & could not stop talking about it! So one day late, we had our own visitor. She didn't catch him, but he left her some treats!

We loosened the reins a bit, and let Lilli play outside by herself. She loves it! It's the only place she wants to be, and she's pretty popular with the other neighborhood kids. 

Finally, our dryer stopped working, and a couple of days later we noticed some strange noises, so we had to investigate. Cason pulled it out, and we expected a little mouse, but instead a bird exploded out of the wall, scaring the crap out of both of us! It flew around for about 15 minutes while we ran around like idiots trying to get it out the front door!