Sunday, June 22, 2014

May 2014

My first niece, Neko Ruby Holloway as born on May 1, 2014. She's an absolute beauty, and I love her to pieces!

I came home to Utah on the third. I was so happy to be with my family again! We had lunch at Red Robin, went to Spider Man 2, and then went to meet Neko. I absolutely love snuggling that baby!

Later in the week, we had a pool day at Cason's parents house. lilli loves the water, but wasn't too keen on learning how to swim. We hope to get more practice in in the coming months.

I began DBT therapy,  and am continuing to try to improve my mental health. Transitioning from being at Sibcy, and being home was a bit difficult. I went from only caring for myself ( and having pele cook and clean for me), to being a full time mommy and homemaker. It was hard. Especially, because I was on a medication that was not working out for me. Luckily, we got things ironed out on that end and after that my transition became much easier.

On Memorial Day, we found a local splash pad to go to. lilli of course had a blast, and we went out to dinner to end the day.

The next week, the Hankla's came to visit. It was great being with both of my sisters and seeing all of the cousins playing together!They played on the neighbors trampoline, and had a good time just playing and chasing each other inside. Lilli absolutely LOVES her cousins!

April 2014

April was rough.

As mentioned in an earlier post, I left for an in patient diagnosis program in Ohio on April sixth.

Before that, I spent as much quality time with Lilli as I could. We decorated for Easter, dyed Easter eggs, and made a few fun crafts. lilli just LOVES to do "crafs". She even likes to look at Pinterest and make her own versions of the things she makes. It makes my heart happy to see how creative she is!

Life at "Sibcy House" was not what I thought it would be. I went with the understanding that they would do extensive testing to diagnose any physical and mental problems I may have. Turns out, it was manly a mental health facility, and my physical problems were barely addressed at all. It was super frustrating. Yes, I have depression, but no where near bad enough to need to be hospitalized. Howeve, after all was said and done, I had som good experiences there (along with some bad ones), and met some great people (along with some bad ones). Cason was able to come and see me for a day, which was nice. I missed Lilli so much that it hurt, but she was well taken care of while I was gone. She spent a lot of time with both sets of grandparents (my parents came up towards the end of he month), and her Aunt Courtney and Uncle Spencer, as well as Aunt Nicole watched her a lot.  Nicole not only watched her, but was nice enough to keep her entertained as well.  They went to the Draper Aquarium, played outside, went to the dinosaur museum, and "the farm", and went to "Rio 2".

Cason worked on Easter, and Lilli  spent the day with the Dotsons. They had an egg hunt for her, and she ended up with 3 Easter baskets when all was said and done. One from grandma D, one from grandma S, and one from aunt Nicole. She was definitely spoiled!  I feel extremely blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives who love us and who are always willing to help out. Thank you all!

March 2014

I wish I had written this a long time ago, I can barely remember a thing about March!

At the beginning of the month, we had a short visit from my parents. It was good to see them. We certainly miss living so close to them!

Thanks to Cason's parents, we  finally got Lilli's bed in the house and put together.  It's a bit too big for her room, so she can't go down the slide super fast, but she still loves it! Also, it is super cute!!

Cason got a job at Petco, and I continued to stay at home with Lil.

Lilli decided that Pokemon was the greatest thing ever. She watched the shows as often as she could, and when she wasn't watching it, she was pretending to have "battles" with her imaginary Pokemon's.

Lillian and I had a visit with my old roommates, Kristine and Ashley. It was nice to catch up with them, and lilli had a blast with Ashley's two little boys, and to top it all off, we ended the day at Rita's Italian Ice. It makes me so happy that there ate so many locations in Utah and that I get to share one of my favorite childhood treats with my little girl.