Wednesday, December 11, 2013

November 2013

After all the excitement of Halloween, and the anticipation of Christmas, I feel like November draaags on. Not that I don't enjoy fall, it's probably one of my favorite seasons, but it's just not the most exciting time of year for least for the first half of the month.
We had our first snow, and although it wasn't much, Lilli was super excited! I let her run out as soon as we woke up, for fear that it would melt soon, and she loved it...until she got cold. After warming up inside, we got her all decked out in winter gear, and let her have second go at it.

Later in the month, the Holloway family came to Boise to celebrate Thanksgiving, and Dylan's 2nd Birthday. He had a fun fishy party, and the best part was that it seems like he and Lilli are finally starting to like each other! It was really fun seeing them play together for those couple of days!

Since my mom has to work on Black Friday, my family decided to celebrate Thanksgiving on Wednesday. We left for Utah that afternoon, and weren't able to eat with them, but we did stop by for a couple of hours and (attempted) cousin pictures.

Our trip to Utah was a roller coaster. Lot's of ups and downs, but overall it was a good trip. All of Cason's immediate family were there, along with his Aunt Carol and Uncle George, and a bunch of cousins for Thanksgiving dinner. Cason's cousin, Miles, brought his 4 year old daughter, Serenity with him, and she and Lilli immediately hit it off. They played together all day long, and at dinner Lilli kept saying "You're my best friend in the whole world!" It was really fun seeing Lilli interact with someone her own age, and I hope that she gets to see her friend again sometime!

Cason and I actually did end up going shopping ON thanksgiving. I never thought that would happen, but there was a deal that was just too good to pass up. We went to K-Mart, and it really wasn't bad at all. It was the busiest i've ever seen a K-Mart, but it was still less busy that Target or Walmart on any given Saturday.

Lilli got sick later that night with a cold. The next day was really rough and we spent it napping, and playing games. That evening Cason and I went to the Jazz game with his sister Rachelle and her husband Kevin. We are not sports fans, but we had a lot of fun! It didn't hurt that we were practically on the court. I've never seen a game that close up before! Our tickets also included a dinner before the game (which was kind of gross), but the free half time nacho's were great! We left before the end of the 4th quarter, and the Jazz lost to the Suns, but it was still a really fun experience!

The next day (Saturday), we went to see Frozen, and absolutely loved it. Lilli claims that she only liked the big scary snowman and nothing else, but she was smiling throughout the whole thing (She has a hard time admitting that she likes things).

In the evening, Cason, Lilli, myself, Kelli, and Jesse went to the City Creek Mall. It was insane! I knew it would be busy, but I had no idea it would be what it was. It took us nearly an hour to find a parking spot! The main reason I wanted to go was to take Lilli to the Disney store...she HATED it. She freaked out and hid in a corner the whole time (it was packed with people). I was really upset. But after we all had something to eat, we felt quite a bit better. I even went back in with Cason and bought a few things (Lilli still refused to go in).

We went home the next day, to finish up the semester!