Monday, November 21, 2011

Lilli's Little's

I sometimes have no idea where she learns things. A few weeks ago, we were sitting together, each with a glass of water, when she says "Cheers!" and clinks her glass to mine. What? Where did that come from???

Her favorite game is hide and seek or "Where'd ya go???" She hides in the same places dozens of times a day and says "Were'd ya go? Where'd ya go" and laughs and laughs. (She was killing me in Old Navy the other day, hiding with her head behind all the coats!)

She LOVES Spider Man.

She hates wearing skirts/ dresses.

She picks her nose looking for "nose candy"

We have this conversation several times a day:
Lilli: I poop!!!
Me: No you didn't
Lilli: I toot!!!!
Me: You did?? Excuse you.
Lilli: I PEE-PEE!!!!
Me: ok. good for you.
Did I mention she especially likes to do this in public?

She's great at helping me clean up, and even better at singing the song. "Clean up, clean up, evybody share".

Her favorite book is the toy catalogue from Toys R Us.

She's scared of Santa Claus.

She loves to throw away garbage and help me unload the dishwasher.

Lately she wants to sleep with her lights on. I accidently woke her up one morning while getting ready for work and she started screaming for me to turn her light on. As soon as I did, she went right back to sleep.

She likes to "slide" down the stairs on her tummy.

She likes all doors to be closed, at all times.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dylan Charles Holloway

November 14, 2011

8 Pounds 4 Ounces, 19 inches

Love you baby!!


I'm finally getting around to posting about Halloween!!

My mom bought this "Pumpkin Fairy" costume for her that she wore during the day. 

She was so excited to go trick or treating, and had so much fun. We never actually got her to say "trick or treat", but she would occasionally say "More candy!!" (not in a demanding way, but in a "I can't believe there's more candy" kind of way).

She got pretty scared by some of the houses and some of the other kids, but it was all worth it for candy. At one house she ran as away as fast as she could after getting some candy, yelling "I'm fasting, I'm fasting!!"