Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lilli's Little's

She says "peeky boo!" instead of peek-a-boo.

She's scared of everything... at least that's what she tells us.

She'll put her hand into a fist and say "cupcake!" and then give Cason and I bites.

She thinks the song "Stand By Me" is about Bambi ("By me" = "Bambi).

She's so good at singing songs and doing the motions.

She likes to "March march march".

She goes to her room to poo... maybe we should start potty training?

If you ask her what color something is, she will always say green.

"Spooky Doggie"

My mom bought a Halloween Dog for Lilli last year, and she hated it. The thing scared her to death!
Unfortunately for us, she now thinks it's the greatest thing ever!

{Thanks mom!}

The {almost} big girl bed

We took the front off of Lilli's bed a few weeks ago.

She was so excited! She loves jumping on it and enjoying a few books there from time to time. 

She's also sleeping pretty well on it! In fact, one night (around 7:30) she told us she was going upstairs (we assumed to play, 7:30's a little early for her) but instead, she went straight to bed... with her clothes and shoes still on!

The first night without the railing, we heard a huge crash, but when we ran into her room she was fast asleep. We think she fell out of bed, and crawled back in, all without fully waking up-- such a Dotson! Since then, she's only fallen out once. Luckily, she didn't get hurt, but she was really scared and upset, it took me about 30 minutes to get her back to sleep.

At first, nap time was not happening at all with the transition, but she's getting better. In fact, some days she'll just tell us goodnight and go right up to bed! 

She wakes up much earlier now without the railing, but it's ok. I LOVE hearing her feet pad up to my side of the bed each morning and getting a big smiley "HI!" 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

1st Prayer

Lilli's First Prayer (With Cason's Assistance)

Heavenly Father,
Thank you day
Toys and Friends
Mommy Church.
Jesus Christ, Amen.

I almost Cried. It was so sweet.

{What Cason said:}
Thank you for this day
Thank you for toys and friends
Thank you for Mommy and Daddy
Thank you for Church

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lilli's Little's

She LOVES gyro's. I'm pretty sure she'd eat them every day.

she Loves, Loves, Loves Kitties. We have a neighbor kitty that's always outside, that finally came up to us and played with her a little on Tuesday.

She has a little pinwheel that she calls a "happy".

When she eats apple slices, she dips each and every bite into an empty cup - they taste better with some dip!

She rarely takes naps anymore, but when she does she then doesn't go to bed until after 10. ( i prefer for her to skip the nap and have an early 8pm bedtime)

When Cason tells her to run, she runs in place.

Balls are not "balls", they're "bouncy balls!!!"  Always. Even Footballs.

She loves juice. We didn't have any for several weeks, and when I put some in the shopping cart next to her, she put her arm around it and started petting it. -- She's our little Buster! (Arrested Development).

When she wants me to go somewhere, she'll hold out her hand and say "Come on, walk!".

She hates all the Halloween stuff at stores. When we walk down the aisle she says "scared. scared." over and over again.

When she does something she likes, she'll tell herself "good job!!"

Thursday, September 15, 2011


It was Cason's 25th birthday yesterday. We had a pretty low key day- which is exactly how he likes it! Add some prime rib, and DQ ice cream cake, and he couldn't ask for more!
Thank you family for the gifts!

Happy birthday babe! We love you!!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Scary Bug!!!!!"

Lilli loves bugs. Lilli also loves leaves and grass. She however did not love this guy:

When she saw this on the side walk she said: "Clean up grass!" picked it up and chucked it. Only to realize that her "grass" had legs and they were moving. 

She freaked.

And Cason being the loving father that he is, made her stand by it while she screamed and cried. 

"Scary bug" left quite the impression... she told me about him about 30 times today. Personally, I think he's kinda cool!

{As I'm sure you can tell from the picture, the poor guy is dead. I don't think it was Lillian's fault though. I think he was dying way before she came on to the scene.}

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lilli's Little's

She doesn't wear clothes she wears "dress". I think this is because I tell her it's time to get dressed in the morning.

We had an ant issue, and she LOVED them. She'd lean over the barrier I made to keep her away from the poison and say "bugs! bugs! bugs!" Once they were all gone, instead of telling her i killed them, I told her they were sleeping. So now she goes into the kitchen and chants "Bugs Seeping!" I think she's starting to get suspicious now though.

She sneezed a few days ago and said "oh, no! Bless you nose!"

She got into my jewelry today and hid a bunch of it. She also filled the tub with balls, got into her dirty clothes, and hid her body wash in her room... all was preferable to the day she got into the bathroom garbage. 

She loves pretzels. Over all, she's really starting to eat a little better!

She says "bye bye" to everything. Including balloons and water bottles.

She loves Mario

Cason fell while playing with her and afterward she kept turning in circles and "falling" on her face while giggling and saying "fall off! fall off daddy's!" 

2 Year 'stats'

Favorite Food: Candy!
Favorite Show: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Favorite Movie: Bambi
Favorite Toy: Books {I think that counts}
Favorite Game: Bouncing! Bouncing!
Shoe Size: 7
Shirt/ Dress Size: anything from 18 months to 3T
Pant Size: Jeans- 3T, everything else- 2T
Diaper Size: 5
Height: 3 feet
Weight: 32 pounds