Sunday, May 30, 2010

At nine months Lilli...


Is extra tickilish when she's tired

has a {very loud} 'war cry'

clicks her tongue {sometimes all day}

Is starting to eat big people food

Wears size 18 month old shorts {she has big thighs}

Gets into everything

Has a new super whiney cry that she uses when she doesn't get her way

Loves diapers...she's always getting into them

Gets put in 'time out'

Loves to cuddle her stuffed animals

Understands the word 'no'

Weighs 21.2 pounds {80th percentile}

Loves books {eating them, mostly}
Rolls, wiggles, and sits up while we're trying to
change her diaper/dressing her

Kneels {she'll kneel at the couch and peek up at Cason and I while we're sitting on it- she'll also kneel and peek out of her crib towards her door when she wakes from naps}

Favorite sleeping position is on her back with her arms up, and both hands tucked behind her head

However, when i go check on her at night she's generally o
n her tummy, with her head the opposite direction than how i put her to bed, and jammed into a corner- i always move her back to a more comfy looking position though

Pushes your hand away when you tickle her, or feed her something she doesn't want

Lays down on her back when she sees a 'ba-ba' {she likes to feed herself}

Is getting her first tooth--she's been a champ though, she hasn't been very fussy, she just hasn't been napping as well

Still loves feet. She''l grab onto ours and move them around

Has the cutest, little happy personality!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I got a call last night at work from Cason telling me that he thought Lilli was about to crawl! He told me that he put her in her saucer and wasn't going to let her on the ground until i got home.

{Such a sweet boy}

I was sick and actually had a replacement coming in for me, so i was able to leave about an hour later.

Sure enough, once we put Lilli on the ground, she crawled for us! She doesn't go very far, and she gets pretty distracted, but she's getting there!
{we are so excited!}
(we'll take another video once she gets better at it!)


{turns out Lillian does not like plain yogurt!}

Saturday, May 15, 2010

1 year

{May 8th 2009 & 2010}

Thursday, May 13, 2010

PS2- 5/14/10

Cason and lilli have so much fun while i'm at work! i love to hear all about it after a long day of frozen yogurt.
yesterday, lilli was playing on the floor when she scooted over to Cason's PS2, pressed the power button, waited for it to turn on, then pressed the eject button, watched the disc come out, and then removed the disc. what 8 {and a half} month old does that?!? it sounded so cute! i'm sad i missed it! i'm starting to miss more and more now that my 15 hour a week job has turned into 25 hours a week (5 days each week), but i know it's a blessing, and i am extra thankful for all the time i do have with my little family!

{i tried to upload a video onto this post, but i can't get it to here's a picture instead!}

Also-- as of today, Lilli can get to a sitting position all by herself!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Lillian is such a mischievous girl! She's not crawling quite yet, but she is mobile to some extent! A couple of days ago she started to roll around like crazy! She's been able to roll for a long time, she just never did in the past--now i can't keep her still long
enough to change a diaper! It's really fun to watch her make her way around the living room, and i love seeing her big smile when she reaches her initial goal {which is usually the dvd or video game case}.

She also scoots around on her bum while sitting. We can't keep this girl still! I'm scared of what crawling might bring, but i'm also very excited for her to finally put it all together and take off!

She still likes to dance and will now start dancing {whenever
} she hears music--even if she's crying!
{daddy forgot that pants go on the outside}