Thursday, October 20, 2011

Color Pumpkin!

 It's been almost a week, and Lilli is still telling me that she painted a bat on a pumpkin, just like the bear in her halloween book. 

I'm not sure I see a bat, but I'll believe her! 

I thought painting a pumpkin would be a better activity for a 2 year old than carving one. And even though she's been telling me she wants to "Cut it" ever since she saw the neighbors carving theirs, she still had a great time!!

After a quick bath, it was time to "Squish it"... aka, make sugar cookies!

She thought this was really fun too, and loved sneaking bites of the dough!

We didn't end up making very many because we were all getting pretty tired, and Cason only likes his mom's recipe (which I didn't have... plus,  despite what he says, my recipe is just as tasty!) I don't think Lilli even ended up getting one, but she did get frosting,so there was no complaining! 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lilli's Little's

She is obsessed with pumpkins.
She also loves spiders, snakes, ponies, piggies, and cars.

She's had some stranger anxiety lately.
She frequently comes up to me and says "Sing a song?" and then tells me which one to sing. ("Twinkle Star" "Elmo Song", "Car Song", "Popcorn Tree", and "Clap Hands".
She also likes to make up her own songs like "Cat song" (which is mostly a lot of mewing)
She loves, loves, loves, "soda pop" and can down it like no other. It's a problem.
If she asks me for something, and i say no, she'll say "ask daddy?" and run to him to see if he'll say yes.
She's pretty smart, but she still gets things a little mixed up. She coughed a few days ago and said "I poop, bless you!" (maybe "I poop" was supposed to be "a-choo"?, it still would have been wrong though!)