Friday, July 11, 2014

June 2014

The Hankla's visit continued through the first couple of days of June. All the cousins, along with Nicole, Jana, Vinnie, and myself went to the Draper Aquarium together. It was pretty fun. Lilli had been before with Nicole and Dylan and she acted like she owned the place! I loved watching she and Dylan waddling around like little penguins, and Lucas wearing himself out running all around!

Later that day, Lilli and I went to Ikea with the Hankla's. I figured when we moved 5 minutes away from Ikea, that I would spend a lot of time there, but it was only the second time going since we moved to Utah. Its not very fun to go when you don't have any money to spend! However, Lilli LOVES the little daycare center, and had a great time playing while we wandered.

The next day, we went to the splash pad near our house. Dylan hated it, Neko slept (of course), and Lucas liked it until he got too cold. As usual, Lilli had a blast and made some friends. We've spent several afternoons playing at the splash pad this summer, you cant beat free entertainment!

Later that week, Lilli and I drove out to Spanish Fork to see Ashley and her two boys. We hit up another splash pad, and despite Lilli burning her buns (darn wedgies), we had a great time. Lilli loves Clay and Owen, and asks all the time when we get to go see them again. I wish we lived a little closer so we could see them all the time, but it's almost an hour away. Still the same, I am super grateful for them and their friendship!


On June 12th, Lilli came up to me and said "Look mommy, one of my teeths is broken." Sure enough she had a very loose tooth! She wouldn't let me near it at first, but a few hours later, I took one gentle tug at it, and it was out. It didn't hurt her at all, and she was super excited to get a visit from the Tooth Fairy. She got $2, and used her money to buy a beta fish that she named "Noodle Noodle".

Also on the 12th, Cason brought home a new family member from work. I couldn't believe when he showed up with a guinea pig! Despite my protests, we named her Ruby after a dog Lilli sometimes plays with (it's also my grandmother's name). She was very timid at first and Lilli wouldnt hold her because of her sharp claws, but she was very excited to have her. Unfortunatly, later in the month, Ruby got sick. She got better, but we were unable to hold her for a couple of weeks, and we had to start the bonding process all over again. Frankly, I don't like her. All she does is crap. Seriously, I never knew something could poop so much. Every time we hold her she poops on us. She's a lot of work, and not a lot of fun. Lilli still wont hold her and shows very little interest in her. Cason is the only one who loves her (probably because i'm the one who always cleans her cage). Hopefully she'll grow on me, but i have my doubts!

Father's day was super low key. Lilli picked some of her daddy's favorite treats as a gift, and drew him a bunch of pictures. After his favorite breakfast, Cason had to go to work (it was his last day at Petco), so Lilli and I just hung out at home and then the three of us went to visit his dad in Bountiful.

Cason started working at Papa John's as a delivery driver, and things slowed WAY down for Lilli and I. Since he needed the car, we were stuck at home a lot! We played, watched Netflix, and did some crafting. Lilli LOVES "crafs", like to the point that I need to hide all of my supplies from her so she doesn't use them all! She also loves "decorating" the house and having parties. I have a birthday almost every day...sometimes multiple times a day. Good thing I love her, because it gets exhausting!!