Friday, October 26, 2012


Last post May 19, 2012

Life has kinda gotten away from me...but I'll try to do better.

For now, here's some videos I found of Lilli on my camera. 


(April - she came up with this "joke" all on her own)

(April - Easter Morning)

(May - more Lilli originals)

(May - watching TV)

(And then I lost my camera, so there are no video's until...
October -  I couldn't believe this 'crab leg' dance! - she's so funny!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lilli's Little's

She always wants 2 of everything.

Wall-ee is her favorite movie, he's also her new imaginary friend.

She's discovered gum, and loves it. However, she hasn't learned that you're not supposed to swallow it.

I bought a pair of pj pants with anchors on them and she said, "OH! those are for pirates!!"

She has an imaginary cat that she runs around with. She also sometimes has a dog, chickie, or choo-choo

Anything she gives/ gets is a "prize"

She says "actually" all the time, and I love the way she says it: Ax- soo- ah- wee.

She pees and poos in the potty, rarely has accidents, and usually stays dry while we're out or when she's sleeping

She learned that we're white. The conversation went like this:
Lilli: Mommy... you green?? NO!!! You not green, you.................... purple????? No... what are you??
Me: I'm white, Lilli.
Lilli: OH! yeah! You white!! I white too!!! And Daddy's white too!!! Yeah, we're white.

She's constantly complaining that her panties are making her itchy and giving her wedgies.

When she counts she always skips 4.

She's not a baby anymore. Along with being potty trained, she sleeps in a big girl bed, and when people ask me how old she is, instead of saying "2 1/2", I say "She'll be 3 in August. It kills me a little, but I simply adore this little person that she has become.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lilli's Little's

She loves to be outside.

She loves the Power Puff Girls, but can't say it right, and always gets embarrassed when she tries.

She points and laughs at Cason all the time, frequently for no reason at all.

She hums "twinkle little star" all day long, and will say "That's a pretty song!" or, "That's my favorite song!"

She says huh?! when ever she's excited about something or wants me to look at something. She'll paint a picture, smile up at me and say "Huh?!!!, HUH!!!!"

Cason has taught her to pull his finger... gross.

She decided she loves play-dough, but only calls it dough. However, she comes up to me and says she wants to "play dough".

She hates to have her hair touched, which is why it's always such a mess. I did get it in a pony tail the other day though, and she said, "I'm a girl!!!". When I took it out she got sad and said, "I"m not pretty anymore!"

She loves to cook with me.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lilli's Little's

She knows her colors pretty well (although you wouldn't know it by talking to her. If you ask her what color something is she will almost always say green, but if you ask her to try again, she usually gets it right).

She's says that things are "amazing".

She asked me for something the other day, and I told her to wait a minute. Later, I asked her what she wanted and she said, "I don't even care!!!" I felt like I was talking to a teenager.

She LOVES  shopping, it doesn't matter where.

She's finally not scared of the playground anymore and loves slides.

She's definitely in the everything is mine stage. (drives me crazy)

Getting her to try a food is absolute torture! But, when she eventually tries it, she usually likes it.  

She loves eating  raw vegetables while I'm cooking, but refuses to touch them after they've been cooked.

Everyone is a "He". I can't count how many times I correct her throughout the day, it never does any good.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lilli's Little's

We bought a krispy kreme calendar last December with coupons in it, and she asks me to read it to her almost every day. With each page she'll say "OH!!!! that's a donut!!!

She says "Just" all the time: "I just playing mommy." I just sleeping" I just jumping", etc.

The other day she asked for chocolate milk and I told her we only had plain milk. Since then she's been asking for "Airplane milk"

She sometimes gets sleepy during the day and sleeps in random places.

If you ask her if she's messy,( or any other number of things) she'll say: "I'm not messy (or whatever)! I'm Lilli!!!" My favorite is, "I not a girl, I just Lilli!!".

Spider Man is her imaginary friend. She talks/ plays with him all day long.

When she hears something she puts her hand up to her ear and says "I hear noise!!"

She can open her door now, so I have to lock her in at night.

She can also turn lights on and off. When she turns them on she says, "That's MUCH better!!"

She's fully convinced that I can kiss anything better. I don;t really remember teaching her that, but I guess I must have.

She has a doodle pad that she is CONSTANTLY wanting me to draw on for her. Her favorite thing for me to draw? Monster's. Especially "Egg Monsters", I draw at least 6 egg monsters a day.

When something's up high, she says it's "In the tall"

When I get her dressed in the morning, she says one of 3 things:
-"I'm pretty!!!!"
-"I'm so cute!!!"
-"I'm bootiful!!"

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lilli's Little's

Computer is "Pooter".

Hangars and Fingers are "Fangars".

Little Smokies are "Baby Hot Dogs".

Granola Bar is "More Bore".

Balloons are "Ba-oons"

When we drain the bath water, she thinks it's a crocodile.

She likes to pretend that all of her toys are cookies and eat them.

She's a puzzle pro and plays with them for hours.

Every morning she says, "Mommy, I want watch mickey mouse and hug!" (which means she wants to cuddle on the couch while we watch)

She still loves to go anywhere and everywhere, and says, "I 'cited, go owside!"

She jumps all day long. If it's not on the trampoline, it's on one of the beds, if not there, on pillows, or just on the floor.

Lately she tells me that everything is "so sweet" and will then give it, or herself a big hug.

She got some spider man rings and LOVES them. She plays with her "spiders" all day long.

She sometimes talks to her hands as if it's a person: "Hey hand, let's go find spider!".

She frequently asks me if we can do dishes. She loves helping me unload them, and I love the help and company!

She also asks me several times a day if we can do laundry ( which means she wants to jump on my bed while I fold clothes).

Sunday, February 5, 2012


(Early December - Making Pretzels)

(Late December - Seizure Elmo)

(Late December - Lilli's favorite movie over the Holiday's was the Grinch, especially the "AH- hoo" song from the beginning. I tried to take a video of it probably six times, but the is the best I ever got)

(January - Lilli spent the entire day with a blanket over her head. Sorry for the TV in the background. Cason was sick and grumpy and wouldn't pause it.)

(February - This girl seriously needed a trampoline. She had been jumping for an hour when I took this video, so she's a little worn out. I'm sure there will be more trampoline video's to come!)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lilli's Little's

She likes to put her blankets in front of her bedroom door and sleep there.

She's convinced that there's a dragon in target, and tells me she hears him any time we go in or even drive by there. (She's not scared of him though, she thinks it's pretty fun!) 

She actually LOVES target because she gets a sticker. She never forgets to ask for one! She didn't get one once, as as we were walking away she said "Alwight. I get sticker later." Obviously, we tuned back and got her one!

She's at that stage where she'll try to say something, but it comes out as terrible, terrible swear words... I won't put the stories on here, but I must admit that I find them rather funny.

Chocolate covered pretzels are her favorite snacks.

We've started potty training, and have had zero success. She tells us when she has to poo, and when we ask her if she wants to go on the potty, she FREAKS and refuses to do it. As far as pee- pee goes, she'll go in her diaper and then immediately tell me she has to go potty.

Other wise she loves the potty. Here's how it goes: "Mommy I need go potty". So she'll go into the bathroom, lift the lid & sit down. I'll ask her if she should take her pants off first, "alwight" she says, stands up, gets her pants off, sits back down. She'll sit for a minute or two, sometimes she go "psssss" and giggle, or say "I pushing, I pushing", and then ask for toilet paper. She wipes, stands up, climbs up on her potty and gets her hands washed. 
{Sorry for all the potty talk}

If you use a cookie cutter to cut her sandwiches, she will devour them-- but she has to pick the shape.

She doesn't take naps anymore, but we still put her in her room every day for "quiet time", which is beneficial for all of us!

She loves to jump, and usually does so instead of walking or running

When she doesn't want to do something, she very dramatically says that she can't. For example: I CAN'T sleep mommy!! I CAN'T do it!

She has a great imagination, but can also be very literal sometimes.

For weeks she asked us for "more bore", and we could not figure out what it meant. I asked her what it tasted like: "YUMMY!" Cason asked her what it looked like: "FOOD!". We finally found out that it means granola bar.

She's very good at remembering who has given her what, even if it was given to her months ago.

She won't let me take naps. If I try she says "wake up, mommy, wake up!" over and over again, and pinches my nose.

She loves to watch Mickey Mouse, and tell you exactly what' going to happen before it happens.

She still loves to organize and clean things, especially at stores.