Thursday, August 15, 2013

March 2013

We started watching Lucas 3 times a week in march. I thought having a baby in the house would be magical, and convince Cason that we finally needed to have another one, but I'll be honest... It was rough! I had WAY too much going on, and Cason had to pick up a lot of the slack, and well... He's not exactly a baby person, especially if the baby is his. He warmed up to him eventually though, and Lucas has always been quite fond of him! I also think it was a good experience for lilli. She learned  a
Little bit of independence on the days hewas here, and she enjoyed having someone to (sort of)play with.

(St. Paddy's Day)

 We also made quick trip to Oakland California for Courtney's wedding. T be honest, Oakland is a pit, but we had a really nice time. The temple was beautiful, and lilli had SO much fun!she deemed herself to be the flower girl, and threw petals at the "little princess". She also spent. Lot of time playing i the fountains, and picking the temple flowers (whoops!).

Before the wedding, we snuck off to San Francisco. We only had. Few hours, but I'm really glad we went. Rhett was determined to drive across the golden gate bridge, and it was fun to take in some of the scenery- it's definitely our kind of city! The best part was giving lilli her first ocean experience. It was cold, and we weren't dressed right, but it was great! She had fun asking "sand castles" and running from the waves- I only wish we could have stayed longer!

We then headed back to Boise for an Easter egg hunt at Grandma's house with the Cousins, and Easter Sunday which included Lucas' Baby Blessing with the WHOLE family! :)

Easter Bunny Goodies at our house

Basket from Grandma

It was a great month!

February 2013

I honestly can't remember a single  blog worthy thing happening in February. I went back to work, and struggled with school. Cason worked on his writing, and lilli, was lilli :)

We had a fun visit from the holloways. Lilli LOVES cousin Dylan! (And cousin Lucas too).

We had a low key valentines day, with a few fun gifts.

AND... I think that about sums it up! Sheesh, that was a quick one!

January 2013

Ok, here we go.
This could be long and painful for everyone involved- but I have to have some kind of family record, so I have to try!


January was COLD, and snowy. Definitely the snowiest I've ever seen it in boise. Lilli loved every minute of it, whenever we went outside she would insist on throwing snow at us and at the car.

I started the year off with continuous UTI's which was miserable, and made school nearly impossible. Luckily, I was on leave from work for hurting my knee, and had lots of time to rest and snuggle!

I went to physical therapy twice a week, which I hated...and found mostly useless.

I celebrated my 25th birthday with Johnny Carino's, and cheesecake from Costco. I also got my beautiful iPad from my wonderful husband! Our laptop had recently broken, so we were definitely in need of it! I also got an exercise bike from my in laws to help strengthen  my knees. All around, it was a pretty great birthday!

The BEST thing that happened in January, was the birth of our little nephew, Lucas. We love him so much, and are thankful to have him in our family!