Sunday, July 25, 2010


turns out nursery is a little harder than cason and i had thought! Lillian did great, she had an awesome time watching the other kids, playing with toys, having snacks, and being able to crawl--she didn't have a single issue...wish we could say the same about the other kids!

One little boy was sleeping when his dad left him, and was hysterical when he woke up--after he cried for about 10 minutes, i found his mom {1st crisis solved!}

But things were still rough! Most of the kids were fine. One little boy warmed right up to Cason and had a great time, a couple kids mostly kept to themselves, one little girl had to have her grandma stay the entire time to be happy {kind of a pain, but at least for today we weren't going to complain about an extra set of hands}, but then there's 2 little boys that we're going to struggle with!

The first is only 18 months and brand new to nursery. He's a climber, and a hitter! He'd also pinch people...i don't think he was trying to hurt anyone, but he's new to this and doesn't really know how to react with other kids. he spent most of the afternoon on my lap!

The other problem a hoarder. Seriously, he didn't play with a single toy the whole time. He'd pick two or three things, go to a corner and hold onto them for dear life. Whenever the 18 month old, or lilli would come near him, he'd FREAK! he'd start yelling, "he's (she's) gonna get me!" over and over. Honestly kid, let's share ok? He then started to pout during the last 20 minutes, which led to some tears, which led to hysterics, which led to cuddle time with me, until finally his sister came to get him-- thank goodness!

Things went ok though, and i could tell that (most) of the kids were much more comfortable with us by the end of the two hours, so we're thinking things will get better and better with time!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Lillian loves balls! Yesterday afternoon while she was playing with them, i looked at her and said "ball". She got a big grin on her face, held the ball up high and said it right back to me! i was so excited!! Right now it comes out more like "bah", but she knows she's saying a word and what it means! if you say it to her while she's not holding a ball, she'll often smile, and go find one!

I feel like a bad mom, not knowing what her first official word was. She started saying 'dadada', 'mamama' and 'bababa' several months ago, but i don't think she made the connection that they meant anything until the last month. Regardless, she is learning SO fast now, and i'm loving every minute of it!

Monday, July 19, 2010

it's time...

...for me to blog!
{sorry it's been so long}

Life has been busy the past few weeks.

the co-owners/ managers of 'Spoon Me' have pretty much quite doing anything, so i've been stuck doing their job (while getting paid minimum wage). I got a
n e-mail last night that they have officially quit, so hopefully things will get better once someone else is in charge!

In other news, i go to the doctor today, which means after over 3 months, i'll finally have my medicines again! it'll be great to not feel sick 80% of the time!

I'm also feeling very grateful for food! our fridge and cupboards are no longer empty (they were for about a month!)

Cason has finally started school a Boise State! He's only taking two classes for the summer, and he's not super interested in them, but he's doing fine. His first big semester starts at the end of August.

He thinks he wants to finish his degree here now, which means about 3 years in boise. i was really hoping for only one...but i'll roll with it!

Lilli is doing great. She's almost 11 months old, and i've already started to think about her 1st birthday party! it makes me kind of sad that things have gone by so quickly, but i have loved every minute of it!

She's been sleeping a lot lately, and eating a little less than normal, so i think she's probably getting more teeth in. Teething hasn't exactly been fun, but it definitely hasn't been the nightmare i was expecting!

She's started to mimic us more and more. It's so fun to see! She loves to do what we do! Also, if we're eating, she has to be eating! If we're having a snack on the couch, she'll crawl up and beg until we give her a taste-- she's learned that we have the good stuff!

She's getting better with her words. She's for sure saying 'mama
' and 'dada' now, and we've even gotten her to make the monkey and owl sound a couple of times! when she's in a new situation (like surrounded by dogs, or other babies) she'll make a noise that sounds just like 'whoa!' it's too cute!

She can stand if supported (by us or a chair, etc) but she won't pull herself up into a standing position- we have to get her there. She did it once by herself a couple of weeks ago, but not since. She will pull herself up to a semi- standing position a
nd 'walk' around objects though--so i think she'll be walking in no time!

ok, time for pictures!
{her temper is really starting to show}

{mimicking daddy}

{her super cute skirt that aunt nikki got her- thanks!}
