Friday, April 30, 2010

sick girl :(

Lilli is sick...and she is not happy!

she slept about six hours last night, the poor little girl just couldn't breathe. i tried to lay her in bed with us, but she wasn't feelin' that so she actually just sat in bed with us! after about an hour of that, i put her in her crib with some toys, but she just wanted to be close to mommy and daddy--it was a long night! this morning she was coughing, sneezing, and spewing boogers all over--yuck! i felt bad leaving for work, but cason did a good job at taking care of her, and keeping his cool while she cried most of the day. After a late nap she was running a fever (her first) and i was freaking out! luckily some baby tylenol and a cool bath took care of it!

does it ever get easier? i get so scared when my little munchkin gets sick! (even if it is just a cold!)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010



Lillian has thrown many a temper tantrum, wiggled all over, torn up all the mail (luckily it was just coupons) gotten stuck underneath her crib, pulled out a bunch of cason's video games, pulled on a tablecloth in our living room causing a wooden figurine to fall, and almost a glass picture frame. And at this very minute she's eyeing the computer and trying to get close enough to grab it!

{Hooray for being eight months old!}

The weird thing is that when we're at other people's houses she doesn't even try to get into stuff. She just sits there politely. - where did she get such good manners?

Lillian sometimes cries and laughs at the same time.

(she just got the computer!)
She'll think something is hilarious one second and then just smile politly the next. As if to say, 'i'm bored of that game. but thank you, i had a rather nice time'

She still dances to music, but only if she thinks no one is looking (usually)

If she's sucking on a binki and sees food, she will dramatically let the binki fall from her mouth.

Cason plays a game with her where he'll sit her on his chest and say 'uh-oh'. She used to try not to fall, and would then giggle when she evetually fell and Cason caught her. She will now sometimes get a big smile on her face, fling out her arms, and intentionally fall backwards when he says 'uh-oh' it's so funny!

(she just got into the video games again)

She's gotten hungrier in the past couple of days.

she trills her lips
she doesn't sleep well unless she's in her own bed (or swing). we've been out of town the past 2 weekends and she would wake up about every hour. She spent most of her time in bed with Cason and i.

She clicks her tounge

She's noisy...but again, just at home.

She weighs about 20 pounds

She doesn't like bottles as much as she used to, she prefers baby food and yogurt

She still loves binki's, and will start making the sucking motion on nothing to tell us that she wants one.

She's cool with being on her belly now that she's realized that it helps her get around.

She just started eating those little puff things and loves them. She also likes 'baby mum-mums' i think she mostly likes them because they're crunchy, and because they're fun to play with.

She still drools a lot, but has started to spit up less.

Still no teeth

Still not crawling, but i think she will be within a week or two!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So happy that it finally feels like spring! Lillian seems to like it too!

Porter Park.

We went to Ashton this weekend to see Cason's family and to pick up our jeep from Rexburg. We had some free time on Saturday, so we stopped at good ol' Porter Park. I don't miss Rexburg, but i do miss the park. it's where Cason and i fell in love, and i was really looking forward to taking Lilli there over the summer--at least we got this one opportunity to do just that! She was pretty tired, but she LOVED the swings! She'd laugh so hard, and then cry as soon as it stopped. She was not a happy girl when it was time to leave!

The trip was uneventful, but good. My only complaint was the 5 hour drive back! it was hard without Cason to keep me company and with lilli bawling in the backseat. but, we made it...and with only one stop!

Monday, April 12, 2010

i just like the strings.

Lillian got this little piano for christmas from grandma kelli. it used to be in her crib, and she'd sometimes kick at it to play music. i just took it out so she could play with it more, but it turns out that she just likes the strings on it! she'll sit and play with them for hours! She also just discovered the little birds that sometimes light up - she thinks they're really fun! and likes to touch them.

Here comes trouble

Lillian is beginning to be a handful! She isn't crawling yet, but she will be {soon} and i'm almost dreading it! how are we going to handle this curious little girl? She also hasn't been sleeping well the past few days. i thought i finally got her down for the night around 11 yesterday and decided to take a bath. She started screaming and crying and after Cason tried a few things, decided to let her play for a while. While on his watch, she someho
w got his easter candy and dumped it all over the place! He found her playing with the little egg container and swirling the m&m's around with her finger--i'm just grateful she didn't put any in her mouth!

Also, (while Cason was watching her) she wiggled on her back to the coffee table, pulled out a little basket that we have under there and started lifting it up and down...Cason found her with it resting on her face! Despite not being able to crawl, she is {really} good at finding a way to get what she wants!

Here is a cute video. She got really cranky, so she and daddy played
{rocket girl}.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


2 weeks ago, Cason had an interview at Verison Wireless. He was offered the job and told that they would call him when they had finished all of their interviews. We were so excited - Cason was able to quit his awful job!a week went by, so he called. They said that they were still doing interviews and they would call back. another week went by. Cason called again today. apparently the person who hired him was fired and never bothered to tell anyone about hiring Cason. All the positions are full. Cason is unemployed. I make about $450 a month...not even enough for rent. Not sure how we're going to make this work, we're praying that he finds something soon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

the joy of parenting.

I was watching Lillian play, and thinking 'wow she is incredible.' she was sitting and dancing, then eventually moved onto her belly, and then finally onto her back...she was having so much fun! i thought she might like to bounce in her door frame bouncer thing so i picked her up, and set her in her crib so i could put it up. after i set her down my arm was covered in poop. she of course grabbed me, getting it on her hands and then on her sheets. i yelled for Cason to help and while he was coming he said " hey kymi, did you know there's poop on the carpet?"

{ great.}

So in other words there's poop everywhere. Me, Lilli's clothes, her hands and back, the crib, and the carpet.

Cason put her in the sink while i cleaned myself up and i could hear him yelling "No lilli, no, not in your mouth!"

It's my fault. i fed her prunes for the first time ever. She actually had 3 big poops today...not sure she'll be eating prunes again.

Once everything was cleaned up...she did have fun in her bouncy chair.

{sorry it's sideways. turns out you're not supposed to turn the camera when taking videos. oops.}

In other news, i got a job today. i'm a 'supervisor' at {spoon me}. it's this cute little frozen yogurt/ smoothie place. I work Tuesday, Thursdays, and fridays from 12:30-5.
{i'm excited}

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Our apartment has issues...a lot of issues. It makes sense seeing as the tenets before us lived here for 11 years and had 12 kids! {the number of children is probably an's just what our neighbors told us} It's frustrating. But, after doing some apartment research yesterday, this really is the best we can expect in our price range. I looked at some nice apartments that were about the same size as here, and they cost $200 more a month! Holy cow, we'll deal with the issues! We also miss having a washer/dryer {laundry is expensive with the spit-up-queen!} but, we're dealing! Anyway...i think the place looks cute and homey. We like that it's much bigger than our previous home and that it has a good amount of storage space {which was seriously lacking in out last 2 apartments}


Lilli was super cute yesterday. Well, except for when she yanked my hair, hard. I decided that i'd had enough and went to get a hair cut! I think it looks a lot better now, so i guess i can forgive her for her gaby-ness.

My favorite part of the day is when she started dancing to Cason's music. No joke, she was in rhythm, and then started to clap her hands! It was the cutest thing ever, but she clammed up when we got the camera out to take a video {like always}
We also took some mother/daughter pictures. I've had this shirt for a long time and thought it would be cute to take pictures with Lilli in her whale shirt too. However, i've been avoiding the experience because of my recent weight gain, but since Lilli has also had a recent weight gain, i figured we should do it before her shirt didn't fit anymore! Anyway...i think they turned out ok.
Cason then let me take a nap while he took care of Lillian. I fell asleep to the sounds of them playing and laughing--a very happy way to fall asleep!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

7 months

Lillian is now 7 months old!
She is very wiggly, and dances like crazy when she gets excited.
She loves hangers, but hurt herself with one the other day, so she's not allowed to have them anymore.
She likes to go to the store and look at all the stuff and people. She'll reach her hands out and try to touch everything! She also really enjoys all the attention she gets when we're out and about...everybody loves this girl!
She lifts her bum up in the air when i change her diaper {she's been doing this for a few still makes me smile each time though!}
She loves remotes, cell phones, and video game controllers, and has a fit when we won't let her have them.
Honestly, she's become quite spoiled. She pitches a fit whenever she doesn't get her way! She grabbed my grocery list while at Wal Mart the other day and screamed and cried when i took it away--oh boy.

she still doesn't have any teeth and hates tummy time. the only way i can keep her happy on her tummy is if i'm lying right next to her...we'll keep working on it!

As you can see, she's as cute as ever, and we just love her so much!!!

In non- Lilli related news:
Cason got a new job at Verison Wireless! He hasn't started yet, and it's been nice to have him home-- we'll be happy when he starts though so we can start making money again! I'm still looking for a job, i've filled out over 20 applications, but haven't heard anything yet--we're keeping our fingers crossed.
I also haven't been feeling too well. Mostly, i'm just really tired. Lilli and i were cuddling in bed last night and we both fell asleep around 8:30. I woke up at 3:30 and realized i hadn't changed her into her night-time diaper {oh no!} so, i got out of bed to change her. She slept through the whole process, but got a big grin on her face when i took the old wet diaper off, it was pretty cute! I tried to go back to sleep after that but couldn't because of heart burn. Also, it feels like my ribs are bruised {which is's just what it feels like} I've been awake since, and i'm hoping to feel better soon!