Monday, December 13, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This week in videos

November 12 - This was fun for WAY longer than it should have been!

November 13- Shaun the Sheep!

November 16 - We LOVE watching her toddle around!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

baby steps

Lilli took her first steps tonight...and i almost missed it!

As I was walking into the kitchen, Cason started yelling at me to come back. I thought he was just trying to annoy me, so I ignored him initially, but then decided to go back...and there she was - toddling right along! I of course got
super excited, yelled a bunch, overwhelming her, and making her fall down {oops}.

She took about 7 steps, and we were really surprised. We've been practicing a lot with her, but we normally can't even get her to stand on her own--so we really weren't expecting this!
Here's a random picture of Lilli being cute
{because nobody likes a blog without pictures}

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lilli is making me tired.

she's eating out of the garbage.
{but won't eat what i feed her}

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

daddy's girl?

Lilli loves her daddy...but she hasn't really been showin' him the love the past couple of days!

He gave her some cereal yesterday, sat next to her, asked for a piece, and opened his mouth up wide. Lilli picked up a piece, smiled, and threw it at his feet!

Later that night, Cason was talking to me and we noticed that Lilli had both of her fingers stuck in her ears! It was pretty cute!

And then there was this morning-- Cason was reading her stories while she was sitting on his lap, she reaches up, puts her hand over his mouth, throws the book, and hops off his lap!

Luckily, Cason doesn't take it too seriously. Actually, he thought it was all pretty funny!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Fall!

{it might be a little early for the Halloweenies...but I couldn't wait anymore to see her in her cute outfit!}

Sunday, September 12, 2010

oh, lilli

lilli is one. should she really be this good at throwing a temper tantrum already? this girl rarely used to cry, now when she gets mad, she'll scream, cry, throw herself on the floor, and slam her head down. really? maybe it's a little funny, because it's so dramatic!

Some other funny/ weird things lilli has been doing lately:

Smacking herself in the head with her mirror and giggling...for like the past 10 minutes.
Cason told her 'no' yesterday when i was at work, she started bawling and very clearly yelled 'no!' So it looks like she knows that one...and doesn't like it one bit!
When she's done eating, or doesn't want to try what you gave her, she'll toss it off the side of her tray. it's really annoying, but her face as she does it is classic. i think she knows how crazy it makes me!
She's getting better at putting things away. this morning she pulled some coupons out of my bag, and after destroying them, she put them right back where she had found them.
She does this new thing when she poops-- she'll lay on her tummy, bum high in the air and wiggle around and grunt. it's weird...but funny too.
She loves to play and bring us things all day.
We're borrowing my mom's laptop, and for some reason, she is way more interested in it than she is in ours...i guess she's a pc not a mac :)
And...she's getting her two front teeth in. which means she has been super grumpy! She's sleeping a lot now, which we're grateful for. For a couple days there we could only get her to sleep for about 30-60 minutes at a time. Hopefully they'll stop hurting her soon!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lilli says:

Lillian is constantly babbling!

Here are the words she knows:



Mom/ mama

dad/dada/ daddy

She can also say these ones (but doesn't know what they mean):

dog (she thinks all stuffed animals are 'dogs')

egg (she's said this once)


she also makes a noise that sounds like 'oh, wow'...which always makes me laugh!

She's started to communicate with us a lot more too. Instead of crying when she's tired/hungry/ stinky, she'll just crawl to us and start babbling until we figure out what she's telling us.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Birthday Post!

My little girl turned one on Wednesday, August 25th! However, because daddy had school ALL day, we decided to celebrate the Sunday before.
Because, honestly, it wouldn't have been a celebration for her without this guy there!
{on a side note, i made her onsie! i'm not 'domestic' at all, but I think it turned out pretty cute, despite being a little small}

Lilli started her day with having fun in nursery (at least until her hair got pulled). We then went over to my parents house to have a little party. I didn't want to go overboard- after all, she's only one, and we don't have a lot of money to spend on celebrations, but i wanted to make sure she had a fun day! We celebrated with burgers and hot-dogs, while Lillian enjoyed some macaroni and cheese. And then it was time for presents!
She had a hard time opening them, because honestly, she wasn't that interested. She just wanted to play, and as soon as 1 gift was opened it's all she had eyes for. Eventually we got through it, she got some really fun stuff from grandma and grandpa schofield, aunt jana and uncle vinnie, and aunt nikki and uncle pat-- thanks guys!
After presents, it was time for the real fun--CAKE! i went back and forth about making an entire cake for her or not, and i'm really glad that i did--it was so fun to see her destroy it, and enjoy it so much!!

After she ate WAY too much cake, it was time for a bath. I loved the look on her face when she saw herself in the mirror, she wasn't quite sure what to think!
As you might expect, she was CRAZY hyper! Every time i would wipe this rag across her face she would bite it, hard! We couldn't get her to hold still for more than a second for quite some time. It was great! She was SO funny, and i've been tempted to give her gross amounts of sugar again just so we can play!
When we got home, i figured we were in for a long night, but it wasn't so bad. She played with her new toys and around 10 i decided that it was probably a good time to attempt sleep, and she was nice enough to comply!

Her actual birthday was pretty relaxed. It was just the two of us for most of the day.
I cleaned for several hours while she played and watched a little barney. Fun birthday, huh? She didn't seem to mind though!
Grandpa couldn't be at her party, so he and grandma stopped by to see her and give her a few more presents. She was super excited for the company!

She then got some chocolate milk, and a little bit of cake--YUM!

I decided to keep her up a little late so she could see her daddy and open the presents we bought her along with the gifts from grandma and grandpa dotson.
Overall, I think Lilli had a great first birthday! Thank you everyone for all the gifts! i thought about taking a picture of all of them, but i don't know if i want it publicized, just how spoiled she is! Ha-ha, people just really love her!

A Year of Lillian

{1 month}
{2 months}
{3 months}
{4 months}
{5 months}
{6 months}
{7 months}
{8 months}
{9 months}
{10 months}
{11 months}
{12 months}

We love you baby. Here's to another great year!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

one week

..and i'll have a one year old

Freaked? Yes.

{i need to take some more pictures!}

Not sure what the day's going to entail. Cason has class all i think we may be celebrating on the 23rd instead of the 25th. She won't know the difference, right?

Friday, August 13, 2010

11 months

Lillian will be a year old in about 11 days {gasp.}
So i guess i should do her '11 month' post while there's still time!

Lilli is learning...a lot! It's so fun to watch her catch on to things!

Recently she's learned:

High Fives.

Drinking from a sippy (she's not perfect at this yet).

More animal noises. Her favorite is the 'woof woof' that the doggie makes- she'll often repeat you and go 'oof, oof', and then go find her puppy dog to give him a hug.

She's learning:

To wave 'bye, bye'.

Words like 'hi' and 'bye-bye' - she's constantly babbling {she must have a lot on her mind}.

Some things we've been struggling with:

Eating. She'll refuse the first bite of any baby food i feed her. i have to force it into her mouth, and then she does fine once she realizes that she likes it.

Opening the bottom kitchen drawer and pulling all the towels out. This only lasted for a few days- after several 'time outs' she got the picture-- she's such a good girl!

We're also weaning her off of her binki, but she's not too bummed about it

{honestly, she's an easy kid!}

Some of her favorite things are:

'Little Puffs' - i think she just really likes to feed herself.

Looking at books upside down - i rarely see her looking at them the 'right' way.



Corn- whenever she eat it she'll crawl under her highchair afterwards, looking for anything she may have spilled!


Her 'ring toys' She'll hold one in each hand and crawl all around the house.

The dish washer- she loves to touch it and try to shut the door while i'm doing the dishes.

The fridge-- she comes 'running' any time it's opened {there's so many fun things to explore in there!}

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lillian's Favorite Song

Lillian has pretty much always loved to dance.
Looks like we found her favorite song!

{'11 month' post coming soon!}

Sunday, July 25, 2010


turns out nursery is a little harder than cason and i had thought! Lillian did great, she had an awesome time watching the other kids, playing with toys, having snacks, and being able to crawl--she didn't have a single issue...wish we could say the same about the other kids!

One little boy was sleeping when his dad left him, and was hysterical when he woke up--after he cried for about 10 minutes, i found his mom {1st crisis solved!}

But things were still rough! Most of the kids were fine. One little boy warmed right up to Cason and had a great time, a couple kids mostly kept to themselves, one little girl had to have her grandma stay the entire time to be happy {kind of a pain, but at least for today we weren't going to complain about an extra set of hands}, but then there's 2 little boys that we're going to struggle with!

The first is only 18 months and brand new to nursery. He's a climber, and a hitter! He'd also pinch people...i don't think he was trying to hurt anyone, but he's new to this and doesn't really know how to react with other kids. he spent most of the afternoon on my lap!

The other problem a hoarder. Seriously, he didn't play with a single toy the whole time. He'd pick two or three things, go to a corner and hold onto them for dear life. Whenever the 18 month old, or lilli would come near him, he'd FREAK! he'd start yelling, "he's (she's) gonna get me!" over and over. Honestly kid, let's share ok? He then started to pout during the last 20 minutes, which led to some tears, which led to hysterics, which led to cuddle time with me, until finally his sister came to get him-- thank goodness!

Things went ok though, and i could tell that (most) of the kids were much more comfortable with us by the end of the two hours, so we're thinking things will get better and better with time!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Lillian loves balls! Yesterday afternoon while she was playing with them, i looked at her and said "ball". She got a big grin on her face, held the ball up high and said it right back to me! i was so excited!! Right now it comes out more like "bah", but she knows she's saying a word and what it means! if you say it to her while she's not holding a ball, she'll often smile, and go find one!

I feel like a bad mom, not knowing what her first official word was. She started saying 'dadada', 'mamama' and 'bababa' several months ago, but i don't think she made the connection that they meant anything until the last month. Regardless, she is learning SO fast now, and i'm loving every minute of it!

Monday, July 19, 2010

it's time...

...for me to blog!
{sorry it's been so long}

Life has been busy the past few weeks.

the co-owners/ managers of 'Spoon Me' have pretty much quite doing anything, so i've been stuck doing their job (while getting paid minimum wage). I got a
n e-mail last night that they have officially quit, so hopefully things will get better once someone else is in charge!

In other news, i go to the doctor today, which means after over 3 months, i'll finally have my medicines again! it'll be great to not feel sick 80% of the time!

I'm also feeling very grateful for food! our fridge and cupboards are no longer empty (they were for about a month!)

Cason has finally started school a Boise State! He's only taking two classes for the summer, and he's not super interested in them, but he's doing fine. His first big semester starts at the end of August.

He thinks he wants to finish his degree here now, which means about 3 years in boise. i was really hoping for only one...but i'll roll with it!

Lilli is doing great. She's almost 11 months old, and i've already started to think about her 1st birthday party! it makes me kind of sad that things have gone by so quickly, but i have loved every minute of it!

She's been sleeping a lot lately, and eating a little less than normal, so i think she's probably getting more teeth in. Teething hasn't exactly been fun, but it definitely hasn't been the nightmare i was expecting!

She's started to mimic us more and more. It's so fun to see! She loves to do what we do! Also, if we're eating, she has to be eating! If we're having a snack on the couch, she'll crawl up and beg until we give her a taste-- she's learned that we have the good stuff!

She's getting better with her words. She's for sure saying 'mama
' and 'dada' now, and we've even gotten her to make the monkey and owl sound a couple of times! when she's in a new situation (like surrounded by dogs, or other babies) she'll make a noise that sounds just like 'whoa!' it's too cute!

She can stand if supported (by us or a chair, etc) but she won't pull herself up into a standing position- we have to get her there. She did it once by herself a couple of weeks ago, but not since. She will pull herself up to a semi- standing position a
nd 'walk' around objects though--so i think she'll be walking in no time!

ok, time for pictures!
{her temper is really starting to show}

{mimicking daddy}

{her super cute skirt that aunt nikki got her- thanks!}


Thursday, June 24, 2010

10 months {tomorrow}

We're leaving for Seattle today, so i'm going to do the traditional monthly post a day early.

At 10 months Lilli...

Loves to spin on her bum. it's so funny to watch! {i'll try to post a video sometime}

Loves books, looking at them can keep her entertained for a long time!

Loves shoes, paper, electronics and pretty much everything else she's not supposed to have

is going through a stuffed animal phase. She loves to lay down and cuddle with them- it's so sweet

has 2 teeth

has free reign of the apartment (with the exception of part of the kitchen) and follows cason and i around wherever we go. I was vacuuming the other day and when i went in each room i would close the door behind me so she wouldn't get in the way. the whole time i was in there i could hear her tiny little fists pounding on the door!

squeezes through the kitchen chairs. she cries, but doesn't give up!

pushes doors open

still loves her binki

likes car rides

...and i have to go the airport now, so i'll finish this later!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Yesterday, Cason confessed to me that he would be happy to have another baby.

Since then...

Lilli woke up at 4am in absolute hysterics (no idea why). We fed her, hoping she'd go back to sleep, but no such luck. Cason was up with her until 6am

at nine she woke up again, covered in urine. her jammies, and bedding were soaked! After a bath, she was SUPER grumpy! So i put her back to bed shortly after hoping she would wake up happier.

Again, no such luck. The entire day has been filled with crying fits and a poor attitude from that little girl.

Despite this, we made a trip to target to pick up a few things. Cason took lilli to the electronic section, and i headed to the baby section. About five minutes later Cason comes up to me and says we have to go now...because lilli peed all over him.

And...when we got home, the grumpies got even worse for her! Noot much has made her happy today...i'm wondering if she's feeling sick?

So...long story short, Cason no longer wants another baby. i think one is all we can handle right now!

in other news, we took Lillian to the pool at our apartment for the first time. She LOVED it! when we first got in, she really didn't react in any way, but it wasn't long until she was giggling like crazy! She's going to be a swimmer...i can tell!
{Sorry we didn't take any pictures...maybe next time}

Friday, June 11, 2010


I hadn't blogged for a while, so i thought i should! not much is happening...i've gone down to working 18 hours a week, which has been a great blessing! I'm lovin' all the time i get to spend with Cason and Lilli! They are so wonderful, and just about everything Lillian does puts a smile on my face! She's having a harder time with her two little teeth now and we've had to break out the baby tylenol, but seriously, even with a little extra fussiness, she is wonderful! i was laying on the couch today reading, and she just crawled up, sat down on the floor, and held my fingers for about 15 minutes...i loved it!
{We went and got pictures taken- she had a hard time sitting still, but we got some good ones. We didn't get this one printed, and now the more i look at it, the more i like it--it may even be my favorite! i'm trying to decide if i want to spend the extra money to get it!}

Sunday, May 30, 2010

At nine months Lilli...


Is extra tickilish when she's tired

has a {very loud} 'war cry'

clicks her tongue {sometimes all day}

Is starting to eat big people food

Wears size 18 month old shorts {she has big thighs}

Gets into everything

Has a new super whiney cry that she uses when she doesn't get her way

Loves diapers...she's always getting into them

Gets put in 'time out'

Loves to cuddle her stuffed animals

Understands the word 'no'

Weighs 21.2 pounds {80th percentile}

Loves books {eating them, mostly}
Rolls, wiggles, and sits up while we're trying to
change her diaper/dressing her

Kneels {she'll kneel at the couch and peek up at Cason and I while we're sitting on it- she'll also kneel and peek out of her crib towards her door when she wakes from naps}

Favorite sleeping position is on her back with her arms up, and both hands tucked behind her head

However, when i go check on her at night she's generally o
n her tummy, with her head the opposite direction than how i put her to bed, and jammed into a corner- i always move her back to a more comfy looking position though

Pushes your hand away when you tickle her, or feed her something she doesn't want

Lays down on her back when she sees a 'ba-ba' {she likes to feed herself}

Is getting her first tooth--she's been a champ though, she hasn't been very fussy, she just hasn't been napping as well

Still loves feet. She''l grab onto ours and move them around

Has the cutest, little happy personality!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I got a call last night at work from Cason telling me that he thought Lilli was about to crawl! He told me that he put her in her saucer and wasn't going to let her on the ground until i got home.

{Such a sweet boy}

I was sick and actually had a replacement coming in for me, so i was able to leave about an hour later.

Sure enough, once we put Lilli on the ground, she crawled for us! She doesn't go very far, and she gets pretty distracted, but she's getting there!
{we are so excited!}
(we'll take another video once she gets better at it!)


{turns out Lillian does not like plain yogurt!}

Saturday, May 15, 2010

1 year

{May 8th 2009 & 2010}

Thursday, May 13, 2010

PS2- 5/14/10

Cason and lilli have so much fun while i'm at work! i love to hear all about it after a long day of frozen yogurt.
yesterday, lilli was playing on the floor when she scooted over to Cason's PS2, pressed the power button, waited for it to turn on, then pressed the eject button, watched the disc come out, and then removed the disc. what 8 {and a half} month old does that?!? it sounded so cute! i'm sad i missed it! i'm starting to miss more and more now that my 15 hour a week job has turned into 25 hours a week (5 days each week), but i know it's a blessing, and i am extra thankful for all the time i do have with my little family!

{i tried to upload a video onto this post, but i can't get it to here's a picture instead!}

Also-- as of today, Lilli can get to a sitting position all by herself!