Sunday, March 15, 2015

February 2015

Nothing too exciting happened this month, but here are a few pictures and funny things Lilli said...

I worked during the Super Bowl, but we watched the Katy Perry half time show the next day & had this conversation while she "flying"

Lilli: mommy! Is she an angel?
Me: I guess so
Lilli: Oh! So this is a Jesus song!!!!

On February 10th, Lilli had her 100th day of school. 

On Valentines Day, Cason brought me some chocolates, and gave Lilli Balloons. Then  I went to work.

A couple of days later, Cason and I went on a date to see "The Kingsmen" (super romantic, I know), and went to dinner.

Lilli stayed with her cousins & decorated hearts

Lilli: what does this heart say?
Nicole: ooh la la
Lilli: oh, is that Spanish, because it sounds a little bit like Spanish.

On the 16th, she lost yet another tooth. Top left.

Lilli had her fist experience with school bullying: " a girl at school told me I'm fat. She must be confused, I'm not fat, Daddy is fat!!!!"

She also went to her 1st non family birthday party. A little boy n her class had a Pilemon birthday party and she loved it!

January 2015

As I mentioned before, we weren't able to celebrate New Years the day of, so we waited until the 3rd. I brought pizza home from work, and we ate and danced for hours. Lilli loves a good "rave"!

A few days later, my parents were in town so we could all spend some time with my brother Ryan before he moved to Grrmany. It was nice living so close to him and having the chance to reconnect with him s bit, but I'm e xcited for him and this new opportunity.

We also had Cason's brother, Rhett, stay with us for a couple of days. He lives  in Boston now, so it was nice for Cason to be able to spend some time with him, and Lilli LOVES her "cousin"

Lilli lost a baby tooth on the 18th, and another on the 20th ( both on bottom).

We went to kangaroo zoo with Nicole, Dylan and Neko later in the month. Lilli had a blast but Dylan...hated it! He kept calling it the "scary place" and the poor kid cried the whole time. Because of this, Lil didn't get to play as much as she would have liked, but we were really grateful to Nicole for taking us! 

On the 27th, Lilli had her first Science Project. I couldn't believe a kindergartner would have a science fair, but it was kind of fun. She's been really into space right now, so she decided to make a model of the solar system. She did a good job painting, and putting it all together. She forgot just about everything I taught her while she was presenting, but I think that was to be expected. The kids were really interested in asking about aliens, and then a kid asked about Pluto. I told him that scientists decided that it wasn't a planet anymore and Lilli said "yeah! They decided that he's just a dig in a tv show now!" It was so cute- all the adults there couldn't help but laugh!

The next day was my 27th birthday. Yuck. Why does 27 sound/feel so much older than 26? Nicole took Lilli and I out to breakfast, and thenI took a nap while Lilli was at school. She was a bit of a handful the whole day. She told me that I had to go buy some balloons for my birthday because she wanted some, and when I told her that all I wanted for my birthday was for her to not be whiney, she said: No! I can't come out of a box and be not whiney!!!
Cason came home from work with chocolates, flowers, and cake. We ended the day with Italian food at a restuarant called Fratelli. It was much more authentic than we're used to, which was fun. It was a pretty good day, and an all around pretty good month!

December 2014

I'm typically pretty excited for December, but it just didn't deliver this year.
Christmas time means cards, and packages, which means Cason worked a lot. By the week before Christmas, he was working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. Add my work schedule, and we rarely saw each other, let lone have any time to do anything as a family. It was really trying on all of us.

Before all the madness began, we went to the Festival of Trees. I don't know if Cason or Lilli had much fun, but I really enjoyed it. Along with the trees, they had a kids area where Lilli wrote and delivered a letter to Santa, painted and ornament, fished for treasure, and made a reindeer puppet.

Our elf, Joy did some funny things, we played at cousin Dylan &Neko's house,and Lilli continued to love every minute of school!

Speaking of school, Lilli missed the last 3 days of school before break because she had croup. She had been coughing a little bit for a day or two, but things got bad when she woke up one night and projectile vomited all over the couch, ottoman, and floor. It was so bad! Immediately after, she looked up at me and calmly said " what did I do? I peeled off her clothes, put her in he bath tub & got busy cleaning the living room.  The next day, she was coughing so hard that she vomited several more times. All she wanted to do was sleep, which is not normal for her, even when she's sick. Luckily, I was able to get her into the doctor that day. They gave her a dose of steroids, and on the way out she threw up...all down the hallway. Oops. So, she got another dose, and they sent us on our way. Within a couple of days, she still had a cough, but felt much better.

It started snowing the week of Christmas. It was fun that we would have a white Christmas, but working in it was not fun! I hate driving in the snow!

On he 23rd, I went to work, came home, and baked all night long. It probably wasn't the best idea, but I'm glad I got it done this year!

We had dinner with Cason's family on Christmas after Cason got off of work. We hung out for a while, played a game of Christmas bingo with some really fun prizes.

Since Cason had to work Christmas Day, we decided (at the last minute) to open presents on Christmas Eve. I left Bountiful a little before Cason and Lilli so I could get everything set up, and told Lil Santa had come while we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We all got some great gifts( including iPhones for Cason and I), and Lilli was ecstatic as usual. By the time we were done it was about 1am, so I hadn't slept for almost 48 hours, and Cason only got 2 1/2 hours before he had to go to work on Christmas.

(She got both of the things she asked Santa for: A red dragon & a lot of bubble gum)

(box full of care bears)

Lilli and I slept in late, and then went to the Holloway's for Christmas dinner. It was so nice of them to invite us, and the food was delicious!

I had to work on New Years Eve ( which was crazy busy), and Cason worked on New Years Day ( at 4am) we decided to postpone our celebrations until later in the week.

So, as I said, it was not a great December, but we tried to make the best of it. Hopefully we'll be better  prepared next year!