Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lilli's Little's

She always wants 2 of everything.

Wall-ee is her favorite movie, he's also her new imaginary friend.

She's discovered gum, and loves it. However, she hasn't learned that you're not supposed to swallow it.

I bought a pair of pj pants with anchors on them and she said, "OH! those are for pirates!!"

She has an imaginary cat that she runs around with. She also sometimes has a dog, chickie, or choo-choo

Anything she gives/ gets is a "prize"

She says "actually" all the time, and I love the way she says it: Ax- soo- ah- wee.

She pees and poos in the potty, rarely has accidents, and usually stays dry while we're out or when she's sleeping

She learned that we're white. The conversation went like this:
Lilli: Mommy... you green?? NO!!! You not green, you.................... purple????? No... what are you??
Me: I'm white, Lilli.
Lilli: OH! yeah! You white!! I white too!!! And Daddy's white too!!! Yeah, we're white.

She's constantly complaining that her panties are making her itchy and giving her wedgies.

When she counts she always skips 4.

She's not a baby anymore. Along with being potty trained, she sleeps in a big girl bed, and when people ask me how old she is, instead of saying "2 1/2", I say "She'll be 3 in August. It kills me a little, but I simply adore this little person that she has become.