Monday, December 5, 2011

Lilli's Little's

She calls Santa "HO-HO"

She's Eating!!!! The other night she ate an entire taco, and a whole pancake the next morning for breakfast.

Whenever she sees Christmas lights, she says "oh! Cwismas!!"

Lately she loves everything. "I love sheep!" "I love movie!", "I love remote!", etc.

Her favorite movie is Mickey's Christmas Carol. She calls Scrooge "Professor Duck"

We went to the distribution center to buy new underwear, and the entire time, she was wandering through the ails saying "diapers!! wipes!!!" It was pretty funny.

We were driving with her grandpa Dotson, and he made a sudden turn and she said "Phew! We made it."

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lilli's Little's

I sometimes have no idea where she learns things. A few weeks ago, we were sitting together, each with a glass of water, when she says "Cheers!" and clinks her glass to mine. What? Where did that come from???

Her favorite game is hide and seek or "Where'd ya go???" She hides in the same places dozens of times a day and says "Were'd ya go? Where'd ya go" and laughs and laughs. (She was killing me in Old Navy the other day, hiding with her head behind all the coats!)

She LOVES Spider Man.

She hates wearing skirts/ dresses.

She picks her nose looking for "nose candy"

We have this conversation several times a day:
Lilli: I poop!!!
Me: No you didn't
Lilli: I toot!!!!
Me: You did?? Excuse you.
Lilli: I PEE-PEE!!!!
Me: ok. good for you.
Did I mention she especially likes to do this in public?

She's great at helping me clean up, and even better at singing the song. "Clean up, clean up, evybody share".

Her favorite book is the toy catalogue from Toys R Us.

She's scared of Santa Claus.

She loves to throw away garbage and help me unload the dishwasher.

Lately she wants to sleep with her lights on. I accidently woke her up one morning while getting ready for work and she started screaming for me to turn her light on. As soon as I did, she went right back to sleep.

She likes to "slide" down the stairs on her tummy.

She likes all doors to be closed, at all times.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dylan Charles Holloway

November 14, 2011

8 Pounds 4 Ounces, 19 inches

Love you baby!!


I'm finally getting around to posting about Halloween!!

My mom bought this "Pumpkin Fairy" costume for her that she wore during the day. 

She was so excited to go trick or treating, and had so much fun. We never actually got her to say "trick or treat", but she would occasionally say "More candy!!" (not in a demanding way, but in a "I can't believe there's more candy" kind of way).

She got pretty scared by some of the houses and some of the other kids, but it was all worth it for candy. At one house she ran as away as fast as she could after getting some candy, yelling "I'm fasting, I'm fasting!!"

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Color Pumpkin!

 It's been almost a week, and Lilli is still telling me that she painted a bat on a pumpkin, just like the bear in her halloween book. 

I'm not sure I see a bat, but I'll believe her! 

I thought painting a pumpkin would be a better activity for a 2 year old than carving one. And even though she's been telling me she wants to "Cut it" ever since she saw the neighbors carving theirs, she still had a great time!!

After a quick bath, it was time to "Squish it"... aka, make sugar cookies!

She thought this was really fun too, and loved sneaking bites of the dough!

We didn't end up making very many because we were all getting pretty tired, and Cason only likes his mom's recipe (which I didn't have... plus,  despite what he says, my recipe is just as tasty!) I don't think Lilli even ended up getting one, but she did get frosting,so there was no complaining! 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lilli's Little's

She is obsessed with pumpkins.
She also loves spiders, snakes, ponies, piggies, and cars.

She's had some stranger anxiety lately.
She frequently comes up to me and says "Sing a song?" and then tells me which one to sing. ("Twinkle Star" "Elmo Song", "Car Song", "Popcorn Tree", and "Clap Hands".
She also likes to make up her own songs like "Cat song" (which is mostly a lot of mewing)
She loves, loves, loves, "soda pop" and can down it like no other. It's a problem.
If she asks me for something, and i say no, she'll say "ask daddy?" and run to him to see if he'll say yes.
She's pretty smart, but she still gets things a little mixed up. She coughed a few days ago and said "I poop, bless you!" (maybe "I poop" was supposed to be "a-choo"?, it still would have been wrong though!)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lilli's Little's

She says "peeky boo!" instead of peek-a-boo.

She's scared of everything... at least that's what she tells us.

She'll put her hand into a fist and say "cupcake!" and then give Cason and I bites.

She thinks the song "Stand By Me" is about Bambi ("By me" = "Bambi).

She's so good at singing songs and doing the motions.

She likes to "March march march".

She goes to her room to poo... maybe we should start potty training?

If you ask her what color something is, she will always say green.

"Spooky Doggie"

My mom bought a Halloween Dog for Lilli last year, and she hated it. The thing scared her to death!
Unfortunately for us, she now thinks it's the greatest thing ever!

{Thanks mom!}

The {almost} big girl bed

We took the front off of Lilli's bed a few weeks ago.

She was so excited! She loves jumping on it and enjoying a few books there from time to time. 

She's also sleeping pretty well on it! In fact, one night (around 7:30) she told us she was going upstairs (we assumed to play, 7:30's a little early for her) but instead, she went straight to bed... with her clothes and shoes still on!

The first night without the railing, we heard a huge crash, but when we ran into her room she was fast asleep. We think she fell out of bed, and crawled back in, all without fully waking up-- such a Dotson! Since then, she's only fallen out once. Luckily, she didn't get hurt, but she was really scared and upset, it took me about 30 minutes to get her back to sleep.

At first, nap time was not happening at all with the transition, but she's getting better. In fact, some days she'll just tell us goodnight and go right up to bed! 

She wakes up much earlier now without the railing, but it's ok. I LOVE hearing her feet pad up to my side of the bed each morning and getting a big smiley "HI!" 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

1st Prayer

Lilli's First Prayer (With Cason's Assistance)

Heavenly Father,
Thank you day
Toys and Friends
Mommy Church.
Jesus Christ, Amen.

I almost Cried. It was so sweet.

{What Cason said:}
Thank you for this day
Thank you for toys and friends
Thank you for Mommy and Daddy
Thank you for Church

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lilli's Little's

She LOVES gyro's. I'm pretty sure she'd eat them every day.

she Loves, Loves, Loves Kitties. We have a neighbor kitty that's always outside, that finally came up to us and played with her a little on Tuesday.

She has a little pinwheel that she calls a "happy".

When she eats apple slices, she dips each and every bite into an empty cup - they taste better with some dip!

She rarely takes naps anymore, but when she does she then doesn't go to bed until after 10. ( i prefer for her to skip the nap and have an early 8pm bedtime)

When Cason tells her to run, she runs in place.

Balls are not "balls", they're "bouncy balls!!!"  Always. Even Footballs.

She loves juice. We didn't have any for several weeks, and when I put some in the shopping cart next to her, she put her arm around it and started petting it. -- She's our little Buster! (Arrested Development).

When she wants me to go somewhere, she'll hold out her hand and say "Come on, walk!".

She hates all the Halloween stuff at stores. When we walk down the aisle she says "scared. scared." over and over again.

When she does something she likes, she'll tell herself "good job!!"

Thursday, September 15, 2011


It was Cason's 25th birthday yesterday. We had a pretty low key day- which is exactly how he likes it! Add some prime rib, and DQ ice cream cake, and he couldn't ask for more!
Thank you family for the gifts!

Happy birthday babe! We love you!!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Scary Bug!!!!!"

Lilli loves bugs. Lilli also loves leaves and grass. She however did not love this guy:

When she saw this on the side walk she said: "Clean up grass!" picked it up and chucked it. Only to realize that her "grass" had legs and they were moving. 

She freaked.

And Cason being the loving father that he is, made her stand by it while she screamed and cried. 

"Scary bug" left quite the impression... she told me about him about 30 times today. Personally, I think he's kinda cool!

{As I'm sure you can tell from the picture, the poor guy is dead. I don't think it was Lillian's fault though. I think he was dying way before she came on to the scene.}

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lilli's Little's

She doesn't wear clothes she wears "dress". I think this is because I tell her it's time to get dressed in the morning.

We had an ant issue, and she LOVED them. She'd lean over the barrier I made to keep her away from the poison and say "bugs! bugs! bugs!" Once they were all gone, instead of telling her i killed them, I told her they were sleeping. So now she goes into the kitchen and chants "Bugs Seeping!" I think she's starting to get suspicious now though.

She sneezed a few days ago and said "oh, no! Bless you nose!"

She got into my jewelry today and hid a bunch of it. She also filled the tub with balls, got into her dirty clothes, and hid her body wash in her room... all was preferable to the day she got into the bathroom garbage. 

She loves pretzels. Over all, she's really starting to eat a little better!

She says "bye bye" to everything. Including balloons and water bottles.

She loves Mario

Cason fell while playing with her and afterward she kept turning in circles and "falling" on her face while giggling and saying "fall off! fall off daddy's!" 

2 Year 'stats'

Favorite Food: Candy!
Favorite Show: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Favorite Movie: Bambi
Favorite Toy: Books {I think that counts}
Favorite Game: Bouncing! Bouncing!
Shoe Size: 7
Shirt/ Dress Size: anything from 18 months to 3T
Pant Size: Jeans- 3T, everything else- 2T
Diaper Size: 5
Height: 3 feet
Weight: 32 pounds

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lilli's Little's

I'm constantly afraid that she's going to poop in the tub... because when she takes a bath she is constantly telling me that she is going to poop. I think she just likes to keep me on my toes.

When she sees trash on the floor, she says "Garbage, Daddy's" , which is almost always accurate.

She's way too busy playing with her new toys and books to be bothered with eating.

She talks non stop and repeats everything you say.

All pizza is "elmo pizza" because of a toy she got for her birthday.

She asks permission to do everything. ex: Sit down? Play toys? Color?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

2nd Birthday

Cason and I had class on Lilli's birthday, so we didn't have any official plans for the day.
When I told her happy birthday in the morning, she once again said to me: CO-CAKE!!!
She's so funny!

After class, we ran to the mall and let Lilli play in their play area. At first she was a little unsure about it all, but she warmed up pretty quickly. She especially LOVED being around the other kids, although she didn't quite know how to interact with them. I'm excited to put her in daycare next semester so she can have some little friends!
We hadn't planned on going out to a "sit down" lunch, but ended up at chili's somehow. The best part? Free birthday dessert!

After a big dessert, we certainly didn't need cake, but I had already bought it, & it was her favorite kind {the kind with LOTS of buttercream frosting}-- so we couldn't let it go to waist.
I think she had a really fun and sugar filled day!

Miska Mooska Mickey Mouse!

On the morning of Lilli's birthday party, I asked her if she was excited to which she responded: "CO-CAKE!!!" "TOYS!!!!!" She continued to tell us about it until it was finally time to go over to grandma and grandpa's house.
We decided to open presents first. Thank you everyone for the gifts! She was SO excited and she still loves them! Every morning when i get her out of bed she starts listing off all of her new things: "Mouse books! Doggie! Elmo Pizza! Quack Quack! (See 'n' say)"
We probably should have done presents second, because sh
e was not at all interested in her cupcake- she just wanted to play. Oh well, less sugar is probably a good thing! When we put the lit candles in front of her she seemed VERY unsure, but she did a perfect job at blowing them out! It looks like i'm helping in the picture, but I was actually just showing her how-- she did it all by herself!

She then played in her pool and drank her new favorite drink: root beer. She drank WAY too much, but it was a party, right??

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Miska Mooska Mickey Mouse! -The Details

I'll do another post of Lilli loving her birthday party, but I also wanted to feature some of the details. This is the first time I've done a real party, and I think it turned out pretty cute!
Personalized kisses in her favor bags

Thanks for stopping by!


Say cheers!

Hot dog!

Oreo Truffles

Oreo Pops

Root Beer


The super excited birthday girl! She could hardly take her eyes off of it all!

Lilli's Little"s

Whenever we pull into wal mart lilli says "Co-cakes!!" (we've only given in once). Once we get out of the car, she'll often point at a random car and say "Jesse! Mama!" like they'll appear any second.
She's been pooping and peeing A LOT. On Tuesday she went through 1 dress, 4 pairs of pants, and countless diapers.

She usually says "nope" instead of "no"
She calls youtube videos "Lilli's", even if they're not of her.

She got some McDonald's toys and calls them "Donald toys" ... also, she thinks they're the greatest thing ever

When she smells a flower she always says "mmmmm.... yummy" even if it's a really stinky one

Monday, August 15, 2011


{Lilli plays the piano}

{Lilli counts to 10... sort of.}

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lilli's Little's

When she sees the surgery scars on my knees, she will touch them and call them "colors" like someone drew on me with a colored pencil.

We had tacos for dinner on Monday and she loved the raw red onions and called them "cookies"

She'll randomly point out her nose to you throughout the day

She loves pretending to snore
She calls her Snow White barbie "Mommy" (no one taught her this!)

She'll sing while we pray, like she's saying the prayer too. And then she'll say: "Amen!" when we're done-- it's so sweet!

If you give her strawberries, she'll lick the seeds for a while, take the tiniest bite possible, and then set it aside.

She was looking at The Bernstien Bears and Too Much TV on Friday and saying "No, TV. No, TV." however, when she was done, she brought me the remote and asked if she could watch TV.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bouncing! Bouncing!

Lilli's favorite thing in the world.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lilli's Little's

{We're starting something new here}

Lately Lilli thinks everything is "messy" or "yucky" ... I promise my house is pretty clean!

If she hears a loud noise or if something falls, she thinks it's broken.

She loves yogurt covered raisins. Some days all she wants is "ranins".

Grandma and Grandpa Dotson and Jesse came last weekend and she still asks for Jessie several times a day.

She runs into her room, says "bye-bye" and slams the door on me at least once every day

"Friend like me" from Aladdin is her favorite song. She's always pointing at the stereo saying "SONG!"

She LOVES water. Drinking it, playing in it, bathing in it. She's definitely not like her mommy.

She'll finally drink in a sitting / standing position. but not if it's milk. If it's milk she still has to be laying down.