Thursday, September 17, 2009

baby has a sweet...gums.

Cason has a a habit of giving Lillian little tastes of ice cream (despite my adamant protests)
Today, she grabbed his finger and stuck it in her mouth--too cute!

cason's 23rd- 9/14/09

Cason's birthday was on Monday.

Last year I was so preoccupied with the wedding that his birthday just came and went without any fanfare, so i wanted to make this year special.

I made him a lunch of French Toast (it was supposed to be breakfast, but we were able to sleep in). I then decorated the house with a star wars banner and butterfingers everywhere! Unfortunately, the tape didn't hold them up very well, so it didn't last, but he still really loved it. It was fun to watch him pulling them all off the wall in a mad dash.

We were going to order sushi, but Lilli was being such a doll that we decided to go to the actual restaurant--her first real outing (she did great). Cason LOVES sushi, and he finally got me to eat some of the raw stuff! it was didn't have much flavor, and i prefer the cooked stuff...but as i said- it was ok.
we then had ice cream cake - his fav. It was a really good day. a pretty simple birthday, but i think i succeeded in making him feel special.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


it's been a hard week filled with poopy accidents, crying fits, and tummy troubles.

lillian has pooped while in her car seat twice this week. not a big deal, right? wrong. the poop has leaked out and covered everything! not a fun experience! we will not be buying huggies again.
she's also decided that she likes to poop while i'm changing was a disaster the first time, but i dealt pretty well with it the second time.

She's also been crying almost constantly. We took her to the doctor, and it turns out she's having some acid reflux problems. We got some medicine and she seems to be doing better...i hate giving it to her though. It's a little pill that i have to hold under her tongue until it dissolves--it's slow, and she hates it! but she gets to wash it down with water and she loves that!

i'm still having a really hard time with nursing. i was bleeding so badly last night that i decided to give her a bottle of formula. in the past, she would just throw the stuff up, but i thought that maybe with her new medicine that she would be able to handle it. she did really well at first, but then it all came was really sad for me (i was seriously considering making the switch to formula full time). i'll just have to keep dealing with the pain and pray that it gets better. on the bright side, the doctor says i should only feed her for fifteen minutes a time on each side (instead of the 45 minutes- an hour that i had been doing) God bless him!

Here are a few more things i've learned about our little girl:

-She calms right down when her daddy sings to her, but my singing does nothing--pretty funny considering how bad cason's singing voice is!

-if she's laying on the couch, she'll turn to her side and start sucking on the back seat cushions. am i really that comparable to a leather sofa?

-she loves sunshine

-she likes her big girl crib better than her bassinet (we're not ready to make the permanent switch though)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1 week old!

We made it through the first week!! Cason and i are pretty tired, and i'm still sore {and hormonal}, but we are so happy with our little girl. She's very healthy and happy.

When she was born she was 7lbs 7 oz, but after a few days she was all the way down to 6lbs 1 oz--which really worried me, but she's up to 7lbs 2oz, and is now filling up her diapers like a pro-so we're doing good!

She's eating really well--i'm struggling a lot though. i never imagined it could hurt so bad!! but...i'm not giving up yet. It's gotta get easier...right?

here's what we've learned about Lillian so far:

Suckling--We finally gave in today and gave her a binki...hopefully we won't regret it.
Getting her hair washed. --but she hates her sponge baths.
Playing with daddy. --He's the best at calming her down. She loves when he sings to her amongst other things{ some of his tactics scare the heck out of me!}
Tooting. --Gas obviously makes her grumpy, but boy is she happy after! She has the loudest gas i've ever heard!! i can't believe it sometimes!!

Getting poopy diapers changed. --wet ones are just fine.
Her head bands. --it makes me so sad
Being nakey -- she is a very modest little lady...she crosses her legs and everything
And thats about it {aside from being stinky, hungry and tired}

All in all, we're doing great Thank you everyone for all of your love and support We love you guys, and hope to see you soon