Thursday, October 16, 2014

September 2014

We had Lilli's birthday party on the first of September. Dylan, Nicole, clay, Owen, and Ashley came to play pokemon themed games, and eat lots of treats. Unfortunately, the reeds had to leave, but Cason's family and my brother Ryan joined us for pizza, cake, gifts, and a piƱata. We had so much fun!

Lilli continued to love school, and I started volunteering for her class. It's fun to be in there with her every so often and be able to get to know her teacher and classmates. Lilli seems to be adapting really well!

My parent's came up for BYU's first home game on the 11th.  I wanted Lilli to experience a cougar football game at least once in her life, so she and I went with. Football games are loooong, but lilli had fun just about the whole time. It went like this: first quarter, whining for her cougar tail (donut), second quarter, happy and finishing her donut, 3rd quarter: SUPER hyper, 4th quarter: soooo tired. The game wasn't super exciting, but we won! When we finally got home at 12:30am, Cason had accidentally locked us out so i spent about 20 minutes calling his phone, pounding on the door and windows, all while lilli was screaming about how tired and scared she was. I'm sure our neighbors loved us!!

Cason had his 28th birthday on the 14th. We went to his parents house for a birthday dinner for him and his dad, and the day after, we celebrated in the traditional way:  prime rib & ice cream cake.

We celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on the 19th. We hadn't planned on doing anything, but at the last minute Cason decided that we should at least go to dinner. I assumed it would be something casual, but as soon as he got home from work, he looked at me and said "uhm, you might want to dress up a little bit", which was funny, because the exact thing happened on the night he proposed! We went to Pago, a fancy little restaurant downtown. Cason loved it, bu it was a little too adventurous/ weird for me. It was fun to go somewhere nice though, and experience some new food (even though I didn't like it much).

On the 30th, I got a frantic call from Cason at 5:30 am, saying that the car had stopped and that he was on the side of Bangerter Highway. Lilli and I picked him up, drove him the rest of the way to work, went home, called a mechanic, and went back to sleep. Later in the day, we were told that the motor had died and would be WAY too much to fix. We kind of knew what the mechanic was going to say, but it was still sad. Having 2 cars was a huge blessing for us, and going back to one is going to be really difficult. Not to mention, that I graduated high school with that car, drove my roommates around in college, drove to my honeymoon, brought my baby home from the hospital in it, and made 3 big moves with it.