Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
i'm six months old!
my little baby is 6 months old today- can you beleive it?
17 pounds 5 1/2 ounces -87th percentile
26 1/4 inches -75th percentile
she did pretty well- cried after the second shot, but was good after i picked her up. She's been pretty fussy since, but nothing that baby tylenol can't take care of.
Lillian's doing pretty well. she has a "labial adhesion" meaning that the labial skin around her little lady parts is irritated and stuck together. i know, i was like "what?! my daughter had little lady parts?" :). BUT-- it's not serious, and i just have to giver her an ointment.
Grandma Schofield dropped by and brought her a little present- Lillian was so excited to see her!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
{sit} good girl!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I was cooking dinner when Lillian woke up and was hungry--very hungry. it was time for her veggies and fruit, and things were actually going pretty well! after a few minutes i had to go start the broccoli and like an idiot, i left her food by her. i turned around and saw her sucking on her spoon and thought "OH NO! this kid has a lap full of carrots right now!" But my little kiddo had grabbed onto the lip of the food jar, picked it up and was sucking on the end of the spoon! -not only was i relieved, but pretty impressed too!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
the fifth month
Lillian continues to grow and learn new things everyday! The las time she was weighed she was {17 pounds, 5 1/2 ounces}.
This is Lillian's new facial expression. I'm wondering if she'll finally be getting teeth soon. {She's been showing signs of teething for months now!} She also LOVES her toes, and pulling at her socks.
She's really good at sitting in her {Boppy}, but as you can see, she sometimes gets tired and needs to take a rest. She can actually sit by herself for about a minute! She'll be a pro in no time!!
{Mirror, Mirror} She LOVES to look at herself.
She likes to play with the dust ruffle on her crib while i change her diaper. I found her this way after washing my hands one day! She gets around really well by {kicking} her legs and
{scooting } on her little bum. She's still not a big fan of rolling over (although she knows how) however, she will pivot in a circle while on her belly. She gets around pretty well these days!
I've started to give her juice in a sippy cup (can you tell how much she loves it?)
She now eats baby food! She'll reach for the spoon and try to "help" guide it into her mouth. She also opens her mouth wide after each bite in anticipation for the next
She loves the {exersaucer} and seems to discover something new every time she's in it. it's so funny to watch how excited she gets!

Some other fun things about Lillian
-she loves spending time with Grandma, Grandpa, and aunt jana. She {adores} her Grandpa! It is so fun to watch them interact with each other
-she wants to touch EVERYTHING
-She continues to stuff anything and everything in her mouth
-her first solid food was a little piece of donut (given to her by cason) she gummed it and swallowed (dada was pretty proud)
- she absolutely loves to cover her face with blankets! she'll pull the corner of it over her and start {kicking} and {laughing} - i have to watch her pretty closely these days
- she has to be in her high chair while we eat dinner or she gets {sad and lonely}
- "beating up" her dad is so funny to her
-she loves animal noises they {crack} her up!
-she sometimes smiles so big that she gets "asian eyes"
-she also has a new smile where she'll press her cheek against her shoulder and squint just {one} eye (i've yet to catch it on camera)
- she likes to scratch at things (especially the buckle on her car seat)
- she has recently discovered that mama's hair is fun to {pull}
{scooting } on her little bum. She's still not a big fan of rolling over (although she knows how) however, she will pivot in a circle while on her belly. She gets around pretty well these days!
Some other fun things about Lillian
-she loves spending time with Grandma, Grandpa, and aunt jana. She {adores} her Grandpa! It is so fun to watch them interact with each other
-she wants to touch EVERYTHING
-She continues to stuff anything and everything in her mouth
-her first solid food was a little piece of donut (given to her by cason) she gummed it and swallowed (dada was pretty proud)
- she absolutely loves to cover her face with blankets! she'll pull the corner of it over her and start {kicking} and {laughing} - i have to watch her pretty closely these days
- she has to be in her high chair while we eat dinner or she gets {sad and lonely}
- "beating up" her dad is so funny to her
-she loves animal noises they {crack} her up!
-she sometimes smiles so big that she gets "asian eyes"
-she also has a new smile where she'll press her cheek against her shoulder and squint just {one} eye (i've yet to catch it on camera)
- she likes to scratch at things (especially the buckle on her car seat)
- she has recently discovered that mama's hair is fun to {pull}
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
a crazy month
Sorry it has been so long--things have been so busy, and we just got internet at our new place.
The craziness started around January 10th. As most of you know, Cason and I had decided to move to boise in the hopes of finding jobs and so Cason could attend ITT Tech to get a degree in video game design. We had originally planned on leaving at the beginning of January, but it just wasn't practical to move so close to the holidays. We then decided that we would be leaving at the very end of January in order to get everything done. However, Cason got a call {around the 10th} and he was asked if he could come in for an interview at WDS Global the next week. We REALLY needed to get that job, so our plans had to be altered {again}. We got things together as quickly as possible, and headed out! Unfortunately, we couldn't get everything done, but since our contracts overlapped a little, we decided to leave a few things in rexburg, and come back for them {and clean the apartment}.We picked an apartment in Boise that was offering the first month of rent for FREE {which was GREAT because our contract in Rexburg didn't end until February 20th}. The ride over went well Cason drove the moving truck, while Lilli and I drove my car-- it's a LONG ride without anyone to talk to, but it wasn't too bad.
Moving early proved to be a GOOD decision. Cason got the job, and it pays WAY better than anything he could have gotten in rexburg (especially since he COULDN"T get anything in Rexburg--he filled out applications for over a year and never even got an interview).
The apartment here is... {ok}. It's not as nice as our other places- it's much, much {older}, and we have to pay for internet and cable (we've decided to skip the cable (which has been hard for me!)) There are ALOT of {problems} with the apartment, but they are pretty good at fixing things in a timely matter. I absolutely HATED it here at first, but it's growing on me.
It's been really nice being close to my family. Cason and i have been able to go to a few movies {without} the baby, and we even got to go to The Melting Pot on Monday to celebrate {Valentines Day} and our almost {18 month Anniversary}. It was a really FUN place. OVERPRICED but fun- and worth the EXPERIENCE.
{February} started out with Lilli getting Bronchulitis (no, not bronchitis). She was really congested and booger-y, she had a deep cough, loss of appetite, and a congested chest. it was no {fun} at all! Luckily, we did find a pediatrician we liked (no more UPPER VALLEY PEDIATRICS-- {hooray!} ). However, it was by far, the {SADDEST} doctor visit we have had yet.
Lilli's( deep) inner ears were really waxy so the doctor had to clean them out really well. I have NEVER seen Lillian more upset! They could hear her {SCREAMING} all the way in reception. --i nearly cried. They then had to hook her up to a machine to help clear up her chest. They put a mask on her that had a little dinosaur face (the dinosaur did NOT make it any less sad). I held her for the whole 10 minutes and felt her little body tremble as she cried. she did calm down eventually and actually fell asleep for the las couple of minutes (the whole experience wore her out). We then had to get an inhaler with a little mask attached and give it to her every 4 hours. i was really scared about how she may react, but she actually thought it was funny, and would {giggle} every time it was given to her. --She is such a {happy and silly} girl--what a trooper! She doing great now, and i'm happy to have our first illness behind us!
The day after Lilli's doctor appointment, Cason and i headed back to Rexburg. RENT MASTER had called asking if we could be out sooner than the 20th, because someone wanted to Rent our apartment--we were happy to oblige. However, when we got there we were {SURPRISED} to find that our door was unlocked (did we do that?) and that the heat had been cranked up to 90 Degrees (no, we CERTAINLY did not do THAT!). we knew someone had been in our apartment...especially when we realized that most of he things we had left had been taken! We went and talked to our upstairs neighbor and discovered that RENT MASTER had moved a new tenant in (even though they KNEW we were not all the way moved out yet!) our neighbor told us that a man moved in, saw that there was stuff in the apartment, called RENT MASTER, was told that the apartment was "abandoned" and that he could TAKE whatever he wanted! I CANNOT believe them! However, at this point we think the man was lying and just {stole} our stuff. He came by on Sunday, right before we left and said that he hadn't taken anything, but he was pretty {shady} and who else could it have been? STILL, it is RENT MASTERS fault for giving him keys! It's ILLEGAL since it was still our apartment. We're trying to get our things back, but RENT MASTER hasn't been cooperative. They say that it's not their fault, they're not liable, and that we can't prove anything (although we can--our neighbor is a witness). We're hoping we don't have to sue...but it may come to that.
Life is now slowing down. Lillian is 5 1/2 months old (i'll blog about her later). Cason is doing fine at work (even though he works with complete TRASH and his schedule is 5:30 am- 2 every day) and although i'm a little {lonely} throughout the day, i'm happy to be where we are. We are SO {blessed} and i have to decided to focus only on that! It is such a {relief} that we are finally bringing in money, and i think Cason is going to {love} school (he starts in march). He is such a {loving and wonderful} husband. he makes me LAUGH every day, and live is never boring with him. Lillian is the {greatest} little girl a mama could ask for. She's so full of personality and life and always keeps me smiling!
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