Lillian has thrown many a temper tantrum, wiggled all over, torn up all the mail (luckily it was just coupons) gotten stuck underneath her crib, pulled out a bunch of cason's video games, pulled on a tablecloth in our living room causing a wooden figurine to fall, and almost a glass picture frame. And at this very minute she's eyeing the computer and trying to get close enough to grab it!
{Hooray for being eight months old!}
The weird thing is that when we're at other people's houses she doesn't even try to get into stuff. She just sits there politely. - where did she get such good manners?
Lillian sometimes cries and laughs at the same time.
(she just got the computer!)
She'll think something is hilarious one second and then just smile politly the next. As if to say, 'i'm bored of that game. but thank you, i had a rather nice time'
She still dances to music, but only if she thinks no one is looking (usually)
If she's sucking on a binki and sees food, she will dramatically let the binki fall from her mouth.
Cason plays a game with her where he'll sit her on his chest and say 'uh-oh'. She used to try not to fall, and would then giggle when she evetually fell and Cason caught her. She will now sometimes get a big smile on her face, fling out her arms, and intentionally fall backwards when he says 'uh-oh' it's so funny!
(she just got into the video games again)
She's gotten hungrier in the past couple of days.
she trills her lips
she doesn't sleep well unless she's in her own bed (or swing). we've been out of town the past 2 weekends and she would wake up about every hour. She spent most of her time in bed with Cason and i.
She clicks her tounge
She's noisy...but again, just at home.
She weighs about 20 pounds
She doesn't like bottles as much as she used to, she prefers baby food and yogurt
She still loves binki's, and will start making the sucking motion on nothing to tell us that she wants one.
She's cool with being on her belly now that she's realized that it helps her get around.
She just started eating those little puff things and loves them. She also likes 'baby mum-mums' i think she mostly likes them because they're crunchy, and because they're fun to play with.
She still drools a lot, but has started to spit up less.
Still no teeth
Still not crawling, but i think she will be within a week or two!