Lilli started the month off with pink eye- which was really lame because all c my family were in town for Easter & she didn't get to see much of them. It fstarted in her right eye, and then spread to the left. Luckily, we got some drops after a visit to Insta Care & it cleared it all up. Putting the drops in her eyes was torture for everyone! She was so scared of having something that close to her eye that she'd run, hide, cry, scream, & kick to try to keep it from happening. Cason had to hold her down so I could get the job done- it broke my heart.
We were able to go to lunch with my parents, brothers, and Nicole while everyone was in town & Lilli dyed Easter eggs with her cousin Dylan.
We had our traditional in-door egg hunt with lilli, and got our baskets from the Easter bunny & headed over to Nicole's house.
While we were there we had another egg hunt with all of the kiddos, ate a nice lunch, and had cake to celebrate my mom's birthday which was in the next day. We didn't get to stay long, because I had to work, but it was nice to see everyone even for a little while. It's going to be a long time until that will happen again!
Working on Easter was a little depressing. Only lonely people order pizza on a holiday. However, it was a better work night than when I missed a step & sprained (?) my ankle. It still hurts!
On the 28th we went to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point with Nicole, Dylan & Neko. I probably shouldn't have gone given my ankle situation, but I'm glad that I did. The flowers were beautiful, & it was nice spending time with my sister & watching D and Lilli play- they are best buddies!
The next day I took Lilli to get some pictures taken. We haven't gotten any dine in a very long time, so when a studio by our home had an amazing offer, I decided to go for it. It was a great experience, and I love all of the pictures we got!
We were sick all through the month. Cold after cold, fever after fever. I spent a week with the worst sore throat that I can remember. I could barely sleep, and when I did I'd wake up crying because of the pain. I spoke only in whispers, and could swallow nothing but icees. We were all anxious for April to end & hopeful that May would be a little kinder to us!