...i hate blogging. like really, really hate it. maybe i'd like it if my computer weren't so slow.
Life has kinda gone crazy these past couple of weeks. Cason wasn't able to find a job, and i only get about 4-8 hours a week at the gap...so--we can't exactly pay the bills anymore. We talked about it and decided to move to boise. Cason hates byu-i and they don't offer what he wants to major in, so he'll be dropping out and going to ITT-Tech. i never imagined we'd end up at a tech school, but they have the program that'll teach him what he wants to do with his life. it's expensive...but it's worth it.
We spent the week of thanksgiving with Cason's family in Ashton, and then drove to Boise on Monday to see mine and start getting things taken care of. We got Cason registered for school, and found the apartment we wanted. It was a little hectic, but it was also really fun to see my parents and jana. We're not sure when we're moving at this point. The school will help set cason up with a job...so pretty much the sooner the better. The only problem is that our lease in rexburg doesn't end until february 25th, but we get a month free at the new place. So...we'll either be moving in January or february. I'm a little scared and sad to leave our current appartment, but i think it's the right move for us at this time.
Lilli is doing well. She's learning and growing so much!! she loves to laugh and play, and she cracks us up every day. She's very active and is trying to learn how to roll.we have to be careful now when she's lying on our laps--she can roll right off! she face planted the other day while cason was sitting with her on the floor (don't worry she's fine...it just spooked her a little) She's also a lot fussier than she used to be, which is no fun. Wic made us change her formula and she is not liking it! she'll cry for about 5-10 minutes before settling down and eating it. -i'm sure she'll get the hang of it soon though.
i'm still adjusting to being a good wife AND mom. i think i do pretty well at the mom part, but i hardly ever cook anymore and the house is always a little messy. luckily, cason is patient with me, and i'll hopefully get the hang of it soon!
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