Monday, February 13, 2012

Lilli's Little's

Computer is "Pooter".

Hangars and Fingers are "Fangars".

Little Smokies are "Baby Hot Dogs".

Granola Bar is "More Bore".

Balloons are "Ba-oons"

When we drain the bath water, she thinks it's a crocodile.

She likes to pretend that all of her toys are cookies and eat them.

She's a puzzle pro and plays with them for hours.

Every morning she says, "Mommy, I want watch mickey mouse and hug!" (which means she wants to cuddle on the couch while we watch)

She still loves to go anywhere and everywhere, and says, "I 'cited, go owside!"

She jumps all day long. If it's not on the trampoline, it's on one of the beds, if not there, on pillows, or just on the floor.

Lately she tells me that everything is "so sweet" and will then give it, or herself a big hug.

She got some spider man rings and LOVES them. She plays with her "spiders" all day long.

She sometimes talks to her hands as if it's a person: "Hey hand, let's go find spider!".

She frequently asks me if we can do dishes. She loves helping me unload them, and I love the help and company!

She also asks me several times a day if we can do laundry ( which means she wants to jump on my bed while I fold clothes).

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