Monday, March 28, 2011

Boise Fry Company

It's spring break! We can't really afford to go anywhere this year, but we want to do a few fun things around town--

Today, we went to the Boise Fry Company. I'm not sure where Cason heard about it, but he said it was supposed to be pretty good. We got 4 different kinds of fries
Red Ladies
Purple Potatoes
Purple Vikings

Cason liked the purple vikings best, and I liked the yams... Lilli didn't really like any of them!

They also had a bunch of crazy sauces like acai and blueberry catchup and spicy fry sauce. I wasn't really a fan of any of the sauces... but I usually like my fries plain!

We had burgers on the "side" ...i thought mine was great, Cason wasn't impressed {we always disagree on what is and isn't a good burger}

Like I said... Lilli didn't love the food, but we took some pictures to make her grandma Dotson cringe!

Lillian did like all the people- the place was packed! I realize
d during out meal that we were sitting across from my 12th grade chemistry teacher... she was with her husband and 3 {or 4} year old son... it was kinda a weird feeling!

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