Monday, April 4, 2011


We and the rest of Boise, spent our sunny Friday at the zoo!
Lillian was a little unsure about it all. I think it was because there were SO many people there! She's a bright and bubbly girl, but she does get shy sometimes around large groups. She had a look of awe when we showed her the animals, but didn't get too excited about anything.
That is until we got to the sheep! She loved feeding them!
The meerkats were her favorite. She'd follow them as they ran, and spin in circles. She cried and cried when we had to move on!
After the zoo, we went to West Side Drive In and got some tasty, fatty food! It was a really fun day!


  1. I love her curly hair! I can't wait until we have a nice enough day for the zoo, but it may be a while!

  2. I think it is so funny how Lillian and Brinley have like IDENTICAL hair. Except that Lillian's is much curlier on top. Brin's is still thick and straight on the top but crazy curly on the sides.

    Do people ask you how long you spend curling her hair? I seriously get asked that at least ONCE every Sunday. I laugh inside but say, "yes, I sponge curl Brinley's hair every night before she goes to bed..." Yep, I have ALL the time in the world to do my daughters hair and she is the most PATIENT 18 month old in the world...yep :-) HAHA! I'm just lucky she has perfect little girl hair!!
