Tuesday, May 31, 2011

the week from hell.

I've been pretty anti-blog lately because thing have been so crummy!
Lilli had a stomach bug last week, so my days were filled with poop, puke, and tears. It was heart breaking... and tiring. Our sleeping schedules are still pretty wacky from it all!
Cason was sick off and on too, and he kept getting these really bad bloody noses-- they were scary. Thankfully, that's stopped.

To top it all off, the weather is bad {big surprise} so we haven't been able to play outside
and we have no money. Literally, no money. Our bank account stands at $0.27
{we'll be getting our school money tomorrow-- whoo hoo!!!}
So we've had no gas to go anywhere {not that there was anywhere to go}

I've been going a little stir crazy because of it all. We've been entertaining ourselves with AMC shows:
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead
The Killing
Mad Men
Cason gets obsessed with shows. We watched all 6 {or so} episodes of Walking dead on Saturday, and all 10 episodes of the killing on Sunday... it's been kind of ridiculous!

Anyway... that's been our past two weeks. I have orientation on Friday and school starts Monday. I'm NOT excited... but it'll be ok {i hope!!}

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