Saturday, June 11, 2011

What was i thinking??

School started on Monday and it was intense!
My original schedule had me going to 8 1/2 hours of class a day, but that was changed after Monday!! I'm now down to 6 1/2 hours a day... still a lot, but better.

I wake up around 9 when Lilli gets up, get her ready for the day, and then get myself ready. If I have time i'll do some chores, or work on homework, but that usually doesn't happen!

My sister gets here at 11:10, and Cason and I leave at 11:20 for our History class. We like this class. It's quite a bit of work and our teacher is crazy, but it's interesting. She's a hippie... so we're getting a different view on things, we don't always agree, but it's fun to learn new ideas.

Class gets out at 1:50, we come home, eat, play with Lilli, and then drive her over to my parents house at 4:30 (on Mondays and Wednesdays... Cason gets to stay home on Tuesdays and Thursdays with her)

We then have a 4 1/2 hour class! On Mondays and Wednesdays we each have a different english class, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Sociology. Class wraps up at 9:55, and then it's homework time!

I usually make it to bed around 1 or 2... there are just not enough hours in the day to get it all done! I should wake up earlier every morning... but it's just not happening! I'm exhausted!

We have Fridays off which is great, but I also have a TON of homework and housework to get done over the weekend. It's not very relaxing!

I found out that sane people only take one class during the summer, oh well. It's only 5 weeks, 1 week is done... i can do this!

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