Cason's birthday was on Monday.

Last year I was so preoccupied with the wedding that his birthday just came and went without any fanfare, so i wanted to make this year special.

I made him a lunch of French Toast (it was supposed to be breakfast, but we were able to sleep in). I then decorated the house with a star wars banner and butterfingers everywhere! Unfortunately, the tape didn't hold them up very well, so it didn't last, but he still really loved it. It was fun to watch him pulling them all off the wall in a mad dash.

We were going to order sushi, but Lilli was being such a doll that we decided to go to the actual restaurant--her first real outing (she did great). Cason LOVES sushi, and he finally got me to eat some of the raw stuff! it was didn't have much flavor, and i prefer the cooked stuff...but as i said- it was ok.

we then had ice cream cake - his fav. It was a really good day. a pretty simple birthday, but i think i succeeded in making him feel special.

yum! sushi and ice cream cakes - sounds like a great bday to me!