lillian has pooped while in her car seat twice this week. not a big deal, right? wrong. the poop has leaked out and covered everything! not a fun experience! we will not be buying huggies again.
she's also decided that she likes to poop while i'm changing was a disaster the first time, but i dealt pretty well with it the second time.
i'm still having a really hard time with nursing. i was bleeding so badly last night that i decided to give her a bottle of formula. in the past, she would just throw the stuff up, but i thought that maybe with her new medicine that she would be able to handle it. she did really well at first, but then it all came was really sad for me (i was seriously considering making the switch to formula full time). i'll just have to keep dealing with the pain and pray that it gets better. on the bright side, the doctor says i should only feed her for fifteen minutes a time on each side (instead of the 45 minutes- an hour that i had been doing) God bless him!
Here are a few more things i've learned about our little girl:
-She calms right down when her daddy sings to her, but my singing does nothing--pretty funny considering how bad cason's singing voice is!
-if she's laying on the couch, she'll turn to her side and start sucking on the back seat cushions. am i really that comparable to a leather sofa?
-she loves sunshine
-she likes her big girl crib better than her bassinet (we're not ready to make the permanent switch though)
i'm sorry things have been so tough!! hang in there, it's bound to get better, right?? I mean how could it get worse?!? (knock on wood!) Love ya!!