When she was born she was 7lbs 7 oz, but after a few days she was all the way down to 6lbs 1 oz--which really worried me, but she's up to 7lbs 2oz, and is now filling up her diapers like a pro-so we're doing good!
She's eating really well--i'm struggling a lot though. i never imagined it could hurt so bad!! but...i'm not giving up yet. It's gotta get easier...right?
here's what we've learned about Lillian so far:
Suckling--We finally gave in today and gave her a binki...hopefully we won't regret it.
Getting her hair washed. --but she hates her sponge baths.
Playing with daddy. --He's the best at calming her down. She loves when he sings to her amongst other things{ some of his tactics scare the heck out of me!}
Tooting. --Gas obviously makes her grumpy, but boy is she happy after! She has the loudest gas i've ever heard!! i can't believe it sometimes!!
Getting poopy diapers changed. --wet ones are just fine.
Her head bands. --it makes me so sad
Being nakey -- she is a very modest little lady...she crosses her legs and everything
And thats about it {aside from being stinky, hungry and tired}
All in all, we're doing great Thank you everyone for all of your love and support We love you guys, and hope to see you soon
It does get easier in the feeding department! I promise! I always hated it when people said things like this to me, but I'm going to say it to you...with Noah, it took me a good 2 weeks to finally get it down and for it not to be so painful! And with Jacob it was nearly 2 months! But, we did it. Just keep trudging through! Ibuprofen was my BEST friend! ;-) Lilli is such a cutie! I can't wait to see her! Oh, and you won't regret the binki...I wished Macie and Jacob actually took one, I AM Jacob paci! Good luck with her and things!!