Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lilli's Little's

When she sees the surgery scars on my knees, she will touch them and call them "colors" like someone drew on me with a colored pencil.

We had tacos for dinner on Monday and she loved the raw red onions and called them "cookies"

She'll randomly point out her nose to you throughout the day

She loves pretending to snore
She calls her Snow White barbie "Mommy" (no one taught her this!)

She'll sing while we pray, like she's saying the prayer too. And then she'll say: "Amen!" when we're done-- it's so sweet!

If you give her strawberries, she'll lick the seeds for a while, take the tiniest bite possible, and then set it aside.

She was looking at The Bernstien Bears and Too Much TV on Friday and saying "No, TV. No, TV." however, when she was done, she brought me the remote and asked if she could watch TV.

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