Saturday, August 27, 2011

2nd Birthday

Cason and I had class on Lilli's birthday, so we didn't have any official plans for the day.
When I told her happy birthday in the morning, she once again said to me: CO-CAKE!!!
She's so funny!

After class, we ran to the mall and let Lilli play in their play area. At first she was a little unsure about it all, but she warmed up pretty quickly. She especially LOVED being around the other kids, although she didn't quite know how to interact with them. I'm excited to put her in daycare next semester so she can have some little friends!
We hadn't planned on going out to a "sit down" lunch, but ended up at chili's somehow. The best part? Free birthday dessert!

After a big dessert, we certainly didn't need cake, but I had already bought it, & it was her favorite kind {the kind with LOTS of buttercream frosting}-- so we couldn't let it go to waist.
I think she had a really fun and sugar filled day!

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