Saturday, August 27, 2011

Miska Mooska Mickey Mouse!

On the morning of Lilli's birthday party, I asked her if she was excited to which she responded: "CO-CAKE!!!" "TOYS!!!!!" She continued to tell us about it until it was finally time to go over to grandma and grandpa's house.
We decided to open presents first. Thank you everyone for the gifts! She was SO excited and she still loves them! Every morning when i get her out of bed she starts listing off all of her new things: "Mouse books! Doggie! Elmo Pizza! Quack Quack! (See 'n' say)"
We probably should have done presents second, because sh
e was not at all interested in her cupcake- she just wanted to play. Oh well, less sugar is probably a good thing! When we put the lit candles in front of her she seemed VERY unsure, but she did a perfect job at blowing them out! It looks like i'm helping in the picture, but I was actually just showing her how-- she did it all by herself!

She then played in her pool and drank her new favorite drink: root beer. She drank WAY too much, but it was a party, right??

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