Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
roll baby, roll
i put lilli on her side and was reading blogs--when i looked back, lilli had rolled onto her belly and was scooting herself forward! she then rolled back to her side and onto her back!! so proud of her!!! we'll see if it was a 1 time thing, or if she'll keep doing it! she also scoots around on her back while in her crib--she's never where we leave her!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
...i hate blogging. like really, really hate it. maybe i'd like it if my computer weren't so slow.
Life has kinda gone crazy these past couple of weeks. Cason wasn't able to find a job, and i only get about 4-8 hours a week at the gap...so--we can't exactly pay the bills anymore. We talked about it and decided to move to boise. Cason hates byu-i and they don't offer what he wants to major in, so he'll be dropping out and going to ITT-Tech. i never imagined we'd end up at a tech school, but they have the program that'll teach him what he wants to do with his life. it's expensive...but it's worth it.
We spent the week of thanksgiving with Cason's family in Ashton, and then drove to Boise on Monday to see mine and start getting things taken care of. We got Cason registered for school, and found the apartment we wanted. It was a little hectic, but it was also really fun to see my parents and jana. We're not sure when we're moving at this point. The school will help set cason up with a job...so pretty much the sooner the better. The only problem is that our lease in rexburg doesn't end until february 25th, but we get a month free at the new place. So...we'll either be moving in January or february. I'm a little scared and sad to leave our current appartment, but i think it's the right move for us at this time.
Lilli is doing well. She's learning and growing so much!! she loves to laugh and play, and she cracks us up every day. She's very active and is trying to learn how to roll.we have to be careful now when she's lying on our laps--she can roll right off! she face planted the other day while cason was sitting with her on the floor (don't worry she's fine...it just spooked her a little) She's also a lot fussier than she used to be, which is no fun. Wic made us change her formula and she is not liking it! she'll cry for about 5-10 minutes before settling down and eating it. -i'm sure she'll get the hang of it soon though.
i'm still adjusting to being a good wife AND mom. i think i do pretty well at the mom part, but i hardly ever cook anymore and the house is always a little messy. luckily, cason is patient with me, and i'll hopefully get the hang of it soon!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
3 months old
i apologize again for posting blogs without pictures and for not catching up yet. BUT...today is lillian's 3 month birthday! she weighs 13 pounds, is getting good at grabbing things and pulling hair, laughing, holding herself up while on her tummy, and i think she might even be getting some teeth in! She is growing up WAY too fast!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
sorry i haven't posted in so long...my computer hasn't been letting me :( but i promise to catch up soon.
i had orientation at the gap on tuesday. i missed lilli like crazy...it wasn't fun! but working will be good for me, and it's only going to be like...10 hours a week. AND i get 50% off at the gap and banana republic, and 30% off at old navy...so it's pretty sweet. now cason just needs to find a job
and i can rest a little easier
Cason and i are finally healthy again and trying to get back into our normal routine. we're so happy that lilli didn't get sick too!
i had orientation at the gap on tuesday. i missed lilli like crazy...it wasn't fun! but working will be good for me, and it's only going to be like...10 hours a week. AND i get 50% off at the gap and banana republic, and 30% off at old navy...so it's pretty sweet. now cason just needs to find a job
and i can rest a little easier
Cason and i are finally healthy again and trying to get back into our normal routine. we're so happy that lilli didn't get sick too!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
2 months!
Lilli is two months old today..and getting so big! she seems bigger each day to me...i wish time would slow down a little bit!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Lilli wasn't exactly sleepy last night, so we just put her in her crib hoping that she could get herself to sleep. Of course, it didn't work and she started screaming a little while after we left. When i went in there she was holding on to the edge of her blankie, lifting it up and down. When she saw me, she smiled real wide as if to say "MOM! i've been dying to show you...look what i can do!!!" i had to leave the light on for her so she could see her skills. Right now, she's doing the same thing with her skirt...it's pretty cute...but not so lady like!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
pumpkin carving
{October 13th}
October means pumpkin carving.
Unfortunately, cason and i aren't very good at it, and it turns out that Cason doesn't even like it! He just kept complaining about how bad he was at it. He wanted to carve spongebob, but we couldn't get the patter to print, so he had to wing it...he wasn't proud of the results. Which is why a giant 'K' was carved into the side...he wants everyone to think that i did it. We bought 1 for each of us, but only ended up doing 2...we'll get to the other 1 eventually.

October means pumpkin carving.
Unfortunately, cason and i aren't very good at it, and it turns out that Cason doesn't even like it! He just kept complaining about how bad he was at it. He wanted to carve spongebob, but we couldn't get the patter to print, so he had to wing it...he wasn't proud of the results. Which is why a giant 'K' was carved into the side...he wants everyone to think that i did it. We bought 1 for each of us, but only ended up doing 2...we'll get to the other 1 eventually.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
i'm not good at blogging...
Since my last blog, cason and i have celebrated our 1 year anniversary (September 19) Lilli took her first big girl bath, and she has become much more interactive.
When lilli first got in the tub, she made this beautiful face and went "uh, uh, uh". i was nervous...i thought bath time could be a real challenge. But then...she loved it! she was all smiles! She continues to do the exact same thing almost every time she takes a bath.

Cousin lindsay sent this onsie that she made just for lilli, along with a blanket and some burp cloths. It was so sweet of her, and lilli looks great!
Grandma Schofield gave us the turkey hat...we love fall!
It's gotten a lot colder the past several days. It even snowed on monday.
We had to go to target and get her a snow suit that actually fit her. it's still too big, but it's better than the other ones we had.
Grandpa Schofield is making sure that she's a cougar fan!
She's crying, and about to fall over, but i LOVE this picture. it's just too funny!
Things Lilli Loves:
*having her hair played with
*high pitched voices
*the 'wise man/foolish man' song (with interactive movements)
*getting raspberries blown on her tummy
*her mobile
*staring at mommy and daddy
*'talking' in her sleep
Things Lilli hates:
* things falling over her eyes (hats, headbands, etc.) Even if she's asleep when it happens, she'll start screaming!
* being left alone...she always wants to be the center of attention!
* her stroller.
Cousin lindsay sent this onsie that she made just for lilli, along with a blanket and some burp cloths. It was so sweet of her, and lilli looks great!
Grandma Schofield gave us the turkey hat...we love fall!
It's gotten a lot colder the past several days. It even snowed on monday.
We had to go to target and get her a snow suit that actually fit her. it's still too big, but it's better than the other ones we had.
Grandpa Schofield is making sure that she's a cougar fan!
She's crying, and about to fall over, but i LOVE this picture. it's just too funny!
Things Lilli Loves:
*having her hair played with
*high pitched voices
*the 'wise man/foolish man' song (with interactive movements)
*getting raspberries blown on her tummy
*her mobile
*staring at mommy and daddy
*'talking' in her sleep
Things Lilli hates:
* things falling over her eyes (hats, headbands, etc.) Even if she's asleep when it happens, she'll start screaming!
* being left alone...she always wants to be the center of attention!
* her stroller.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
baby has a sweet...gums.
cason's 23rd- 9/14/09
Cason's birthday was on Monday.
Last year I was so preoccupied with the wedding that his birthday just came and went without any fanfare, so i wanted to make this year special.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
it's been a hard week filled with poopy accidents, crying fits, and tummy troubles.

lillian has pooped while in her car seat twice this week. not a big deal, right? wrong. the poop has leaked out and covered everything! not a fun experience! we will not be buying huggies again.
she's also decided that she likes to poop while i'm changing her...it was a disaster the first time, but i dealt pretty well with it the second time.
She's also been crying almost constantly. We took her to the doctor, and it turns out she's having some acid reflux problems. We got some medicine and she seems to be doing better...i hate giving it to her though. It's a little pill that i have to hold under her tongue until it dissolves--it's slow, and she hates it! but she gets to wash it down with water and she loves that!
i'm still having a really hard time with nursing. i was bleeding so badly last night that i decided to give her a bottle of formula. in the past, she would just throw the stuff up, but i thought that maybe with her new medicine that she would be able to handle it. she did really well at first, but then it all came up...it was really sad for me (i was seriously considering making the switch to formula full time). i'll just have to keep dealing with the pain and pray that it gets better. on the bright side, the doctor says i should only feed her for fifteen minutes a time on each side (instead of the 45 minutes- an hour that i had been doing) God bless him!
Here are a few more things i've learned about our little girl:
-She calms right down when her daddy sings to her, but my singing does nothing--pretty funny considering how bad cason's singing voice is!
-if she's laying on the couch, she'll turn to her side and start sucking on the back seat cushions. am i really that comparable to a leather sofa?
-she loves sunshine
-she likes her big girl crib better than her bassinet (we're not ready to make the permanent switch though)
lillian has pooped while in her car seat twice this week. not a big deal, right? wrong. the poop has leaked out and covered everything! not a fun experience! we will not be buying huggies again.
she's also decided that she likes to poop while i'm changing her...it was a disaster the first time, but i dealt pretty well with it the second time.
i'm still having a really hard time with nursing. i was bleeding so badly last night that i decided to give her a bottle of formula. in the past, she would just throw the stuff up, but i thought that maybe with her new medicine that she would be able to handle it. she did really well at first, but then it all came up...it was really sad for me (i was seriously considering making the switch to formula full time). i'll just have to keep dealing with the pain and pray that it gets better. on the bright side, the doctor says i should only feed her for fifteen minutes a time on each side (instead of the 45 minutes- an hour that i had been doing) God bless him!
Here are a few more things i've learned about our little girl:
-She calms right down when her daddy sings to her, but my singing does nothing--pretty funny considering how bad cason's singing voice is!
-if she's laying on the couch, she'll turn to her side and start sucking on the back seat cushions. am i really that comparable to a leather sofa?
-she loves sunshine
-she likes her big girl crib better than her bassinet (we're not ready to make the permanent switch though)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
1 week old!
We made it through the first week!! Cason and i are pretty tired, and i'm still sore {and hormonal}, but we are so happy with our little girl. She's very healthy and happy.
When she was born she was 7lbs 7 oz, but after a few days she was all the way down to 6lbs 1 oz--which really worried me, but she's up to 7lbs 2oz, and is now filling up her diapers like a pro-so we're doing good!
She's eating really well--i'm struggling a lot though. i never imagined it could hurt so bad!! but...i'm not giving up yet. It's gotta get easier...right?

here's what we've learned about Lillian so far:
Suckling--We finally gave in today and gave her a binki...hopefully we won't regret it.
Getting her hair washed. --but she hates her sponge baths.
Playing with daddy. --He's the best at calming her down. She loves when he sings to her amongst other things{ some of his tactics scare the heck out of me!}
Tooting. --Gas obviously makes her grumpy, but boy is she happy after! She has the loudest gas i've ever heard!! i can't believe it sometimes!!

Getting poopy diapers changed. --wet ones are just fine.
Her head bands. --it makes me so sad
Being nakey -- she is a very modest little lady...she crosses her legs and everything
And thats about it {aside from being stinky, hungry and tired}

All in all, we're doing great Thank you everyone for all of your love and support We love you guys, and hope to see you soon

When she was born she was 7lbs 7 oz, but after a few days she was all the way down to 6lbs 1 oz--which really worried me, but she's up to 7lbs 2oz, and is now filling up her diapers like a pro-so we're doing good!
She's eating really well--i'm struggling a lot though. i never imagined it could hurt so bad!! but...i'm not giving up yet. It's gotta get easier...right?
here's what we've learned about Lillian so far:
Suckling--We finally gave in today and gave her a binki...hopefully we won't regret it.
Getting her hair washed. --but she hates her sponge baths.
Playing with daddy. --He's the best at calming her down. She loves when he sings to her amongst other things{ some of his tactics scare the heck out of me!}
Tooting. --Gas obviously makes her grumpy, but boy is she happy after! She has the loudest gas i've ever heard!! i can't believe it sometimes!!
Getting poopy diapers changed. --wet ones are just fine.
Her head bands. --it makes me so sad
Being nakey -- she is a very modest little lady...she crosses her legs and everything
And thats about it {aside from being stinky, hungry and tired}
All in all, we're doing great Thank you everyone for all of your love and support We love you guys, and hope to see you soon
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
moving day
...is tomorrow! Or in 9 hours i suppose. The past 3 days have been filled with packing box after box, and i just finished. Cason tried to help today, but he's really not a good packer- i had to re-do almost everything he did! But--he'll get his work out tomorrow! We thought his family was coming to help us, but i guess we misunderstood...so we'll be doing it all by ourselves tomorrow! (i'm hoping Cason doesn't die...it's going to be a lot harder than he thinks it is). Regardless, i'm excited for a new and bigger place, and to get it ready for baby lilli. :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
sleepy time
...is complicated. every night i try to go to bed a midnight, but it never works out. Lilli is a night owl- with her constant kicking and punching along with lots of contractions and nausea, i can never get to sleep. i made cason go for a walk with me at 3 am last night (he hadn't been to bed yet- Dotson's don't sleep) and then i got chatty and we talked until 4. i'm really grateful he put up with it, i'm sure the conversation wasn't very interesting, but it helped me not think about the pain i was in. i think i finally fell asleep around 5:30 in the morning and woke up at 3 in the afternoon...which unfortunately has become a pattern for me. i honestly really hate it, i feel like i waste each day, but i just can't seem to get it right. we'll see what happens after the baby comes!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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